Friday, November 22, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Phyllanthus gandarelensis (Phyllanthaceae) • A New and Endangered tiny Species from Serra da Gandarela, Minas Gerais, Brazil

 Phyllanthus gandarelensis J.C.R.Mendes, R.Secco & P.L.Viana,  

in Mendes, Secco et Viana, 2024.
Photographs: Heron O. Hilário, Drawing by Carlos Alvarez

Field observations and specimens from herbaria revealed the existence of a new species of the genus Phyllanthus, restricted to the municipality of Santa Bárbara, André do Mato Dentro, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Characteristics such as the subsessile petiole and the size and morphology of the leaves, in addition to the pistallate flowers with 6 sepals, stipules, styles, and stigmas were important to recognize Phyllanthus gandarelensis as a new taxon. Description, illustrations, distribution and habitat, phenology, preliminary conservation status as Critically Endangered, and comments on its morphology, as well as a comparative table with its congener species are presented.

 Phyllanthus gandarelensis
A. Habit. B. Branch. C. Branch detail, showing stipules. D. Staminate flower. E. Pistillate flower. F. Fruit (capsule with accrescent calyx and persistent styles). G. Seeds, with obtriangular hilum and detail of ornamentation.
Drawing based on the holotype (drawn by Carlos Alvarez).

 Phyllanthus gandarelensis.
 A. Micro-habitat (resembling some cave environments). B. Habit. C. Detail of the stipules (subulate). D. Flowering branches. E. Leaf blade, with base asymmetric-cordate. F-G. Staminate flower showing stamens and glandular disk. H. Pistillate flower, with evident porrect styles. I. Capsules (mericarps 6, with accrescent calyx and persistent styles).
 (Photographs: Heron O. Hilário).

Phyllanthus gandarelensis J.C.R.Mendes, R.Secco & P.L.Viana, sp. nov. 

Etymology. The epithet “gandarelensis” is a reference to the mountain complex, known as Serra do Gandarela, where this species is found.

Jone Clebson Ribeiro Mendes, Ricardo de S. Secco and Pedro Lage Viana. 2024. An Account of A New and Endangered tiny Species of Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) from Serra da Gandarela, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Brittonia. 76; 26–32. DOI: