Thursday, November 30, 2023

[Botany • 2023] Curcuma maxwellii & C. rubroaurantiaca (Curcuma subg. Ecomatae, Zingiberaceae: Zingibereae) • Two New Species from Thailand

ว่านเพชรม้าล้านนา Curcuma maxwellii Škorničk. & Suksathan, 
ว่านเพชรม้าอีสาน C. rubroaurantiaca Škorničk. & Soonthornk., 

 in Leong-Škorničková, Soonthornkalump, Lindström, Niwesrat, Lim et Suksathan, 2023. 

Curcuma maxwellii sp. nov. and Curcuma rubroaurantiaca sp. nov. (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberoideae, Zingibereae), two new red-orange-flowered species from Thailand, are described. They are compared to the morphologically closest species from the Curcuma subgen. Ecomatae and detailed descriptions, colour plates and information on their distribution, ecology, phenology and uses are provided. Preliminary IUCN conservation assessments for both of these species are proposed as Least Concern

Key words: Curcuma flammea, Curcuma lindstromii, Curcuma rhomba, gingers, subgenus Ecomatae, Least Concern, Zingibereae

Curcuma maxwellii Škorničk. & Suksathan at the type locality
A habit B inflorescence (top view) with detail of flower in front view C detail of leaf sheaths and ligules D rhizome E inflorescence with detail of flower in side view F two fertile bracts, three flower buds from the same cincinnus as the dissected flower, dissected flower (from left: floral tube with ovary, calyx and stamen attached, upper row dorsal and lateral corolla lobes, lower row lateral staminodes and labellum G stamen still attached to floral tube from front, back and side view.
All from the type collection, Suksathan et al. JLS-4210. 
Photographed by Jana Leong-Škorničková.
 Curcuma (Ecomataemaxwellii Škorničk. & Suksathan, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Curcuma rhomba Mood & K.Larsen in general habit and flower colour, but differs by bracts green to green with slight reddish tinge, puberulent on both sides (versus solid dark red glossy bracts, glabrous on both sides), bracteoles present (vs. bracteoles absent), calyx puberulent throughout (vs. calyx glabrous, except few hairs on teeth), anther with 2–2.5 mm long narrowly conical spurs (vs. ca. 1 mm short broadly conical spurs with blunt apices).

Distribution: Only known from Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai Provinces, N Thailand.

Eponymy: We name this species after our late colleague and remarkable botanist James Franklin Maxwell (1945–2015), also known simply as Max, who collected this species in 1992 (Fig. 2). With more than 32,000 high quality collections, rich in flowers and/or fruits and carefully prepared with many duplicates and mostly with labels that contain much information, Max ranks amongst the best collectors of Thai plants (van Welzen 2023).

Vernacular name and uses: As the vernacular name Wan Pet Ma (ว่านเพชรม้า) is used on several orange-flowered species with red corolla lobes including this species, we propose to use Wan Pet Ma Lanna (ว่านเพชรม้าล้านนา) for this species. Based on the information from the local herbal specialist of the Hmong community, this species, which is locally abundant, has no medicinal uses and only has potential as an ornamental plant.

Curcuma rubroaurantiaca Škorničk. & Soonthornk. at the type locality
A habit B inflorescence with detail of flower in front view C detail of leaf sheaths and ligules D rhizome E inflorescence with detail of flower in side view F two flowers and dissected flower (from left: ovary with epigynous glands, calyx, floral tube (dissected longitudinally), upper row dorsal and lateral corolla lobes and stamen, lower row lateral staminodes and labellum G stamen from front, back and side view.
All from the type collection, Soonthornkalump Sutt-242.
 Photographed by Sutthinut Soonthornkalump.

 Curcuma (Ecomataerubroaurantiaca Škorničk. & Soonthornk., sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Curcuma maxwellii by general habit and flower colour, but differs by leaf blades abaxially densely puberulent (vs. glabrous), inflorescence composed of up to 14 fertile bracts (vs. inflorescences composed of 15–34 bracts), bracteoles absent (vs. small bracteoles present), larger stamen 19–22 mm long (vs. 16–18 mm long), anther 16–17 mm long with flattened spurs, prominent anther crest 2–3 mm long with central longitudinal groove and anther thecae forming narrowly rhomboid shape (vs. anther 13–14 mm long with conical spurs, thick anther crest ca. 1 mm long without central longitudinal groove and anther thecae forming narrowly obovate shape).

Distribution: Known to occur in Loei, Sakon Nakhon, (NE Thailand), Chayaphum (E Thailand) and Phetchabun Provinces (N Thailand).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to its bright red and orange flowers.

Vernacular name and uses: Similarly to the previous species, the vernacular name Wan Pet Ma (ว่านเพชรม้า) is used also on this species; we, therefore, propose refining the vernacular name to Wan Pet Ma Isan (ว่านเพชรม้าอีสาน) for this species. No uses were reported, but the species has a good potential as an ornamental plant. 

 Jana Leong-Škorničková, Sutthinut Soonthornkalump, Anders Jan Lindström, Sira Niwesrat, Sarah Qing Lim and Piyakaset Suksathan. 2023. Curcuma maxwellii and C. rubroaurantiaca (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberoideae), Two New Species from Thailand. PhytoKeys. 235: 237-248. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.235.111400

[Mammalogy • 2023] Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Genus Vernaya (Rodentia: Muridae) with the Description of Two New Species

(c) Vernaya meiguites   (d) V. nushanensis 
(a) V. foramena   (b) V. fulva 

Zhao, Wang, Li, Dou, Liu, Yang, Fan, Jiang, Li, Liao, Hu, Jiang, Liu et Chen, 2023

The climbing mouse is a rare, small mammal listed as an endangered species on the China species red list. Molecular phylogenetic analyses and the evolutionary history of the genus remain unexplored because of the extreme difficulty in capturing individuals and their narrow distribution. Here, we collected 44 specimens, sequenced one mitochondrial and eight nuclear genes, and integrated morphological approaches to estimate phylogenetic relationships, delimit species boundaries, and explore evolutionary history. Molecular analyses and morphological results supported the validity of these four species. Here, we describe two new species, Vernaya meiguites sp. nov. and Vernaya nushanensis sp. nov., and recognize Vernaya foramena, previously considered a subspecies of Vernaya fulva, as a valid species. The estimated divergence time suggests that the climbing mouse began to diversify during the Pliocene (3.36 Ma).

Keywords: morphometric, new species, taxonomy, Vernaya

Pelage and tail comparisons among species of the genus Vernaya,
(a) Vernaya foramena a1–a4 (museum number SAF201553); (b) Vernaya fulva b1–b4 (museum number SCNU02747);
 (c) Vernaya sp1 c1–c4 holotype (field number 2020MG045, museum number SAF201652); (d) Vernaya sp2 d1–d4 holotype (museum number SAF19287).
(1) ventral view; (2) dorsal view; (3) lateral view; (4) tail variation.

Vernaya meiguites sp. nov. 
Vernaya nushanensis sp. nov.

Songping Zhao, Xuming Wang, Binbin V. Li, Liang Dou, Yingxun Liu, Siyu Yang, Ronghui Fan, Yong Jiang, Quan Li, Rui Liao, Miao Hu, Xuelong Jiang, Shaoying Liu and Shunde Chen. 2023. Molecular Phylogeny and Taxonomy of the Genus Vernaya (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae) with the Description of Two New Species. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10628

[Botany • 2023] Epidendrum echinatiantherum, E. ochrostachyum, E. rosulatum, etc. (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) • New and Noteworthy Species of the Genus Epidendrum from the Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro, Amazonas, Peru

 Epidendrum imazaense Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén,
 E. echinatiantherum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén,
 E. parvireflexilobum Hágsater, J.P.Arista & Edquén, 
 E. rosulatum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén, 
 E. ochrostachyum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén,

in Arista, Hágsater, Santiago, Edquén, Pariente, Oliva et Salazar. 2023.

Fourteen species of the genus Epidendrum, recently collected in the Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro (ACPPB), five of them new to science (Epidendrum echinatiantherum sp. nov., E. imazaense sp. nov., E. parvireflexilobum sp. nov., E. rosulatum sp. nov., and E. ochrostachyum sp. nov.), are described and illustrated. The other species include a new record for Peru (E. acrobatesii) and four for the department of Amazonas (E. brachyblastum, E. forcipatum, E. mavrodactylon, and E. tridens). Epidendrum enantilobum is here considered a synonym of Epidendrum brachyblastum. The type locality of Epidendrum cryptorhachis, originally stated as Ecuador, Guayabamba, is corrected to indicate that it refers to the valley of Guayabamba, Rodríguez de Mendoza, Amazonas, Peru. Our results show the need to continue conducting botanical exploration in the ACPPB as a baseline for subsequent studies, including a full inventory of the orchid diversity.

Key words: Dwarf forest on white sand, eastern Andean ridge, Lankester Composite Dissection Plates, moist or wet montane forest, range extension

 Epidendrum echinatiantherum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Similar to Epidendrum madsenii Hágsater & Dodson, both vegetatively and florally, but the main distinguishing feature is the dark vinaceous anther with the central green vertical rib with a heavily echinate apical, elongate, pyramidal, truncate process, covered by numerous disorganized white bristles (vs. dark brown-black anther without a green vertical rib, and an unornamented apical process, which is laminar, forming an erect, semi-tubular laminar flap, the margins dentate).

Etymology: From Latin echinatus, bristly, furnished with numerous rigid hairs, or straight prickles, and anthera, the cover of the pollinarium at the apex of the column, which has an appendage heavily covered with white bristles, a rare and prominent feature of this species.

 Epidendrum imazaense Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Epidendrum freireanum Hágsater & E.Santiago, but the plants are smaller, 3.6–10 cm tall (vs. plants 10–40 cm tall), the leaves 1.1–3.6 cm long (vs. leaves 3.7–7.0 cm long), the ovary 10 mm long, sigmoid, with a prominent ventral vesicle, inflated in the middle (vs. ovary 6 mm, straight, not inflated), the sepals 5.5 mm long (vs. sepals 10 mm long), and the flowers pale green with a red-brown tinge on the tepals (vs. flowers purple brown with lip and apex of column ivory white).

Etymology: In reference to the Imaza river, whose basin includes the Pampa del Burro. This river is a tributary of the Chiriacu river, an affluent of the Marañón river.

 Epidendrum ochrostachyum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Epidendrum bangii Rolfe but differs by the shorter lateral sepals, 13 mm long, spreading, ovate-elliptic, the apex obtuse (vs. lateral sepals 16–18 mm long, slightly reflexed, obliquely ovate, with the apex acuminate), the shorter petals, 10 mm long, oblanceolate, apex obtuse (vs. petals 13–15 mm long, linear, apex acuminate), the floral bracts 8–13 mm long, nearly as long as the ovary (vs. floral bracts 11–22 mm long, longer than the ovary), and the column with a pair of truncate wings (vs. column with a pair of rounded wings).

Etymology: From the ochre color of the flowers, from the Greek ὠχρός, and σταχυς, from the Greek spike, in reference to the Macrostachyum Group to which the species belongs.

 Epidendrum parvireflexilobum Hágsater, J.P.Arista & Edquén, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to Epidendrum reflexilobum C.Schweinf., but overall smaller, with plants 22–46 cm tall including the inflorescence (vs. 40–120 cm tall), sepals 9.5–10.8 mm long, elliptic (vs. sepals 12.5–13.5 mm long, obovate-elliptic), the lateral lobes of the lip semi-ovate, erect (vs. lateral lobes spreading, twisted 90° in natural position, narrowly obovate), the callus 3-ribbed, forming a cuneate platform only reaching middle of mid-lobe (vs. callus 3-ribbed, ribs not forming a platform, with the mid-rib longer and reaching apical sinus).

Etymology: From the Latin parvi-, small, and reflexilobum, reflexed lobes, in reference to the smaller flowers and lobes of the lip relative to those of closely allied E. reflexilobum.

 Epidendrum rosulatum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén, sp. nov.
 Diagnosis: Similar to Epidendrum croceoserpens Hágsater & Salas-Guerr. but the plants much smaller, up to 2.5 cm tall (vs. plants 9 cm tall), the leaves 0.8–1.2 cm long, orbicular, 4–7 forming a rosette (vs. leaves 3.5–5.6 cm long, 1–3, lanceolate), the flowers 7, ochre–yellow, with sparse red dots (vs. flowers 3–6, orange, turning pink with age), and the lip ovate-triangular, acute (vs. lip widely cordiform, base sub-cordate, apex short apiculate, margin erose-crenulate).

Etymology: From the Botanical Latin rosulatus, rosette (a circular cluster of leaves) shaped, in reference to the distinctive rosette formed by the leaves, which is a rare trait in the genus.

Jessy Patricia Arista, Eric Hágsater, Elizabeth Santiago, José D. Edquén, Elí Pariente, Manuel Oliva and Gerardo A. Salazar. 2023. New and Noteworthy Species of the Genus Epidendrum (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) from the Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro, Amazonas, Peru. PhytoKeys. 227: 43-87. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.227.101907

[Ichthyology • 2023] Ophichthus naevius • A New Snake Eel Species of the Genus Ophichthus (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the southeast Coast of India, Bay of Bengal with Taxonomic Account of Ophichthus chilkensis

Ophichthus naevius 
Kodeeswaran, Kathirvelpandian, Mohapatra, Thangappan Kumar & Sarkar, 2023

A new species of the ophichthid eel of the family Ophichthidae is described based on five specimens collected from the Mudasalodai fish landing centre, Off Cuddalore coast, southeast coast of India, Bay of Bengal. Ophichthus naevius sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by having a unique colour pattern: dorsal body with dense of numerous dark spots or patches, ventral body pale yellowish green, dorsal fin origin just before pectoral fin tip, vertebral formula: 12–14/52–53/134–138, teeth on jaw uniserial and pointed. The study also reports the range extension and molecular evidence of Ophichthus chilkensis from south India. Molecular analyses were done for both species and their phylogenetic relationship suggests that the new species exhibit 10.2% genetic divergence with its' congener, O. sangjuensis followed by O. brevicaudatus (10.4%), and Ophichthus sp.1 (11.8%) also forms closest clade in both BI and ML Tree. Similarly, according to the topology of ML tree, the species O. chilkensis forms clade with Ophichthus sp. 5, O. remiger, O. frontalis, Ophichthus sp. 6 and O. rex. and suggests that would be the genetically closest congener.

Keywords: Molecular analyses, new species, Taxonomy

Ophichthus naevius sp. nov.

Paramasivam Kodeeswaran, Ayyathurai Kathirvelpandian, Anil Mohapatra, Thipramalai Thangappan Pillai Ajith Kumar and Uttam Kumar Sarkar. 2023. A New Snake Eel Species of the Genus Ophichthus (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the southeast Coast of India, Bay of Bengal with Taxonomic Account of Ophichthus chilkensisJournal of Fish Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15617

[Crustacea • 2023] Gnorimosphaeroma rivulare • A New Freshwater Species of Gnorimosphaeroma (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae) from Chichi-jima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Japan

Gnorimosphaeroma rivulare Tomikawa, Yoshii & Nunomura, 

in Tomikawa, Yoshii, Noda, Lee, Sasaki, Kimura & Nunomura, 2023

This study describes Gnorimosphaeroma rivulare sp. nov. from a stream on Chichi-jima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. This is the second freshwater species of Gnorimosphaeroma and the third Sphaeromatidae from oceanic islands. Gnorimosphaeroma rivulare sp. nov. is morphologically similar to G. boninense Nunomura, 2006, G. naktongense Kwon & Kim, 1987 and G. saijoense Nunomura, 2013. However, G. rivulare sp. nov. differs from these species in various morphological features, such as the shape of pleotelson and pereopod 2, relative length of antennule peduncular articles and pleopod 3 rami, number of setae on maxillula and maxilliped, and setation on pereopod 3. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that G. akanense is sister to G. saijoense, and together they are sister to G. hokurikuense. This three taxa clade is sister to G. rivulare sp. nov. with G. iriei basal to them all. Our analysis concludes that G. boninense from Haha-jima Island, Ogasawara Islands is only distantly related to G. rivulare and may represent an independent colonization event.

Key Words: freshwater, inland water, isopod, molecular phylogeny, oceanic island, stream, taxonomy

Family Sphaeromatidae Latreille, 1825

Genus Gnorimosphaeroma Menzies, 1954

Gnorimosphaeroma rivulare Tomikawa, Yoshii & Nunomura, sp. nov.
  New Japanese name: Chichijima-kotsubumushi
 Diagnosis: Pleonites incompletely fused; anterior suture line longer than posterior one. Pleotelson posterior margin rounded. Maxillula medial lobe with 4 plumose setae and a short single seta; lateral lobe with 10 robust setae. Maxilla medial lobe with 17 setae; middle lobe with 12 setae; lateral lobe with 13 setae. Pereopod 1 basis with a single seta on posterodistal corner; merus with 4 setae on anterodistal corner. Pereopod 2 propodus subrectangular, not swollen. Pereopod 3 merus, carpus, and propodus sparsely setulose. Uropod exopod length 0.7 times as long as endopod.

Etymology: The specific name rivulare is derived from a Latin adjective rivularis, which means brook living, referring to the habitat of the new species.

Distribution and habitat: This species is known only from the type locality. The specimens were collected from beneath the cobbles in an upper stream of Nagatani River.

 Ko Tomikawa, Junpei Yoshii, Akari Noda, Chi-Woo Lee, Tetsuro Sasaki, Naoya Kimura and Noboru Nunomura. 2023. A New Freshwater Species of Gnorimosphaeroma (Crustacea, Isopoda, Sphaeromatidae) from Chichi-jima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 99(2): 545-556. DOI: 10.3897/zse.99.108032

[Botany • 2020] Drosera buubugujin (Droseraceae, sect. Prolifera) • A spectacular New Species of Sundew from the Cape York Peninsula Bioregion, Australia

Drosera buubugujin M.T.Mathieson

in Mathieson et Thompson, 2020. 

Drosera buubugujin is described as new. It is a terrestrial herb known only from Muundhi and Juunju Daarrba Nhirrpan National Parks (Cape York Peninsula Aboriginal Land - CYPAL) in northern Queensland and is readily distinguished from any other members of the genus by its unique combination of characters. The species is illustrated and diagnosed herein. A key is provided to the species of Drosera section Prolifera. Its conservation status is assessed and a status of Critically Endangered is recommended. 

Key Words: Droseraceae; Drosera; Drosera buubugujin; Australia flora; Queensland flora; new species; taxonomy; identification key; conservation status 

Drosera buubugujin M.T.Mathieson sp. nov. with affinity to D. schizandra, but differing by the lateral inflorescence presentation, smaller flowers, shortly and thickly bilobed anther filaments, white to creamy white anthers and pollen, and predominantly oblanceolate to obovate leaf shape.

Etymology: This species is named after the Buubu Gujin Aboriginal Corporation lands, which include Muundhi and Juunju Daarrba Nhirrpan National Parks (CYPAL) where it was collected.

M.T. Mathieson and S.L. Thompson. 2020. Drosera buubugujin M.T.Mathieson (Droseraceae, Drosera section Prolifera C.T.White), A spectacular New Species of Sundew from the Cape York Peninsula Bioregion. Austrobaileya. 10(4): 549–557.

[Botany • 2021] Rohdea wangiana (Asparagaceae) • A New Species from southwestern Sichuan, China

Rohdea wangiana H.Z.Feng & Z.Qiang Lu, 

in Feng, Lu, Han et Shen, 2021. Rohdea 

Rohdea wangiana is described as a new species from SW Sichuan, China. It is somewhat similar to R. pachynema in based on spikes without a marked terminal tuft of sterile bracts and deltoid filaments, but differs based on a combination of the following characters: leaf blades marginally serrulate; peduncle ebracteate; one bract per flower; perianth externally angulate, perianth segments distally denticulate or three-lobed, small lobe present between adjacent filaments, filaments inserted to base of perianth segments; stigma obviously lower than stamens; lack of slender stolons.

Keywords: Taxonomy, Campylandra, Tupistra, Liliaceae s. l., Convallariaceae, Monocots

Rohdea wangiana H. Z. Feng & Z. Qiang Lu, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: The new species resembles R. pachynema, but differs based on absence of slender stolons, the leaf blade with serrate margin, one bract per flower, peduncle ebracteate, with protuberance between two filaments and the positions of filaments and stigma in the perianth tube. 

Hui Zhe Feng,  Zhi Qiang Lu, Qingxiang Han and Henglun Shen. 2021. Rohdea wangiana (Asparagaceae), A New Species from southwestern Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa. 523(3); 247-253. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.523.3.5

[Herpetology • 2020] Rhinella parecis • A New Species of the Rhinella margaritifera (Laurenti 1768) Species Group (Anura: Bufonidae) from southern Brazilian Amazonia

Rhinella parecis
 Ávila, Morais, Perez, Pansonato, de Carvalho, Rojas, Gordo & Farias, 2020

Neotropical toads from the Rhinella margaritifera species group have been considered a taxonomic puzzle for a long time. Because of the high morphological similarity and an unknown number of undescribed taxa among the species of this group, we did an extensive search for character distribution within all nominal taxa. Herein we describe Rhinella parecis sp. nov. a new species from Southern Brazilian Amazon. We provide a morphological diagnosis, morphometric comparisons with similar species, and a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis on the relationships of the new species. Rhinella parecis sp. nov. is assigned to the R. margaritifera group and differs from others species by snout-vent length ranging 40.7–53.5 mm in males (n=12) and 44.9–54.8 mm in females (n=4), snout rounded in dorsal view, acute with fleshy ridge extending to tip of snout in lateral view, canthal and pre-orbital crests absent, supra-orbital, parietal and supra-tympanic crests present and low, dorsolateral row of tubercles present, bony protrusion at the angle of jaws absent, tympanum evident, vertebral apophyses absent and toes half-webbed. The new species is the 20th species associated to the R. margaritifera group distributed in the Chapada dos Parecis, a probable center of endemism in states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Keywords: Amphibia, Neotropical, Rainforest, Systematics, Taxonomy

 Rhinella parecis sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Rhinella parecis sp. nov. is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: (1) snout-vent length range 40.7–53.5 mm in males and 44.9–54.8 mm in females; (2) snout rounded in dorsal view, acute with fleshy ridge extending to the tip of the snout in lateral view; (3) canthal and pre-orbital crests absent; (4) supra-orbital, parietal and supra-tympanic crests present and low; (5) dorsolateral row of tubercles present; (6) bony protrusion at the angle of jaws absent; (7) tympanum evident; (8) vertebral apophyses absent; (9) toes half-webbed.

Etymology. The specific name parecis, a noun in apposition, refers to the Chapada dos Parecis, a plateau occupying large portions of the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Rondônia, Brazil.

Robson Waldemar Ávila, Drausio Honorio Morais, Renata Perez, André Pansonato, Vinicius Tadeu de Carvalho, Rommel R. Rojas, Marcelo Gordo and Izeni Pires Farias. 2020. A New Species of the Rhinella margaritifera (Laurenti 1768) Species Group (Anura, Bufonidae) from southern Brazilian Amazonia.  Zootaxa. 4868(3); 368–388. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4868.3.3

[Ichthyology • 2018] Didogobius janetorum • A New cryptobenthic Goby Species (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the Cape Verde Islands


  Didogobius janetorum
Schliewen, Wirtz & Kovačić, 2018

Didogobius janetarum sp. nov. is described from five specimens collected from small caves and rock crevices between 12 and 20 m depth off two locations of Santiago Island, Cape Verde Islands. The species differs from all currently described congeners by the combination of the following characters: (1) 27 vertebrae, (2) second dorsal fin I + 10, (3) posterior quarter of predorsal region in front of first dorsal fin origin scaled, with several rows of cycloid scales, (4) body squamation cycloid anteriorly and ctenoid posteriorly, (5) scales in the lateral series 30–32, (6) anterior oculoscapular canal present, (7) preopercular head canal absent, (8) suborbital row 7 each a single papilla, (9) suborbital rows 2 and 4 close to orbit, and by (10) branchiostegal membranes uniformely black below preopercle, forming a V-shaped mark. Definitions for all used meristic counts are presented to serve as a reference for gobioid meristic studies. The genus is rediagnosed to accommodate recently described Didogobius species.

 Keywords: Pisces, Gobiidae, new species, eastern Atlantic, DidogobiusChromogobius, meristics

  Didogobius janetorum sp. nov. (ZSM 45303, live holotype), male, 27.3 SL, Republic of Cabo Verde, Santiago Island, King Bay at Tarrafal.
Photo taken directly after capture by P. Wirtz.

Ulrich K. Schliewen, Peter Wirtz and Marcelo Kovačić. 2018. Didogobius janetarum sp. nov., A New cryptobenthic Goby Species from the Cape Verde Islands (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Zootaxa. 4438(2); 381–393. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4438.2.12

[Botany • 2023] Lysionotus namchoomii (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India

Lysionotus namchoomii  Chowlu, C. H. Nguyen, K. Gogoi et Aver., 

in Chowlu, Gogoi, Truong, Averyanov, Iudova et Nguyen, 2023. 

The new species of the genus Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae), named L. namchoomii, discovered in Pakke-Kessang District of Arunachal Pradesh, India, is described and illustrated here. It differs from morphologically similar L. ziroensis mainly in glabrous vegetative organs, denticulate-crenulate leaf blade, deltoid inflorescence bracts, free spatulate glabrous calyx lobes, and corolla glabrous inside. This species is confined to two different locations, with a small population comprising a total of 60–100 individuals. The conservation status of this new species is provisionally assessed here as Critically Endangered, CR: B1a, b(iiii, v) + 2a, b(i-iii,v) following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Keywords: flora of India, new taxon, plant diversity, plant endemism, plant taxonomy, Southeast Asia

Lysionotus namchoomii:
A – Flowering plant in natural habitat; B – Intact inflorescence; C – Flattened plant used for preparation of the type specimen; D – Rhizome; E – Inflorescence bracts; F – Calyx lobes, adaxial side; G – Intact flower, front view; H – Intact flower, side view; I – Opened corolla tube showing stamens; J – Pistil showing disc at the base.
Photographed from the type materials by K. Chowlu, 
photo correction and plate design by K. Chowlu and L. Averyanov.


Lysionotus namchoomii Chowlu, C. H. Nguyen, K. Gogoi et Aver., sp. nov. 

Diagnosis. From the morphologically most similar Lysionotus ziroensis the new species differs mainly in glabrous stem, leaves, and peduncle; denticulate-crenulate leaf blade pale green below; glabrous deltoid bracts; straight, spatulate, glabrous calyx lobes; and corolla glabrous inside.

E t y m o l o g y. The species epithet honors the late Chau Phunkyoo Namchoom, a very popular figure as a social reformer representing the Khampti community in Arunachal Pradesh. He was a great nature lover and played a significant role in the upliftment of the Khampti community in Arunachal Pradesh, especially in facilitating good education and medical facilities for the people.

K. Chowlu, K. Gogoi, B. V. Truong, Leonid V. Averyanov, D. А. Iudova and C. H. Nguyen. 2023. Lysionotus namchoomii (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India [Lysionotus namchoomii (Gesneriaceae) – новый вид из штата Аруначал-Прадеш, Индия].  Turczaninowia. 26(3); 160-165. DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.26.3.14

Scientists of the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) have discovered a new species of epiphytic plant Lysionotus namchoomii from Pakke-Kessang district of Arunachal Pradesh.

[Mammalogy • 2021] Thomasomys pardignasi • Discovery of the First Amazonian Thomasomys (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae): A New Species from the remote Cordilleras del Cóndor and Kutukú in Ecuador

Thomasomys pardignasi
Brito, Vaca-Puente, Koch & Tinoco, 2021

A new species of the cricetid rodent genus Thomasomys is described from the montane forests of the Cordilleras del Cóndor and Kutukú, southeastern Ecuador, at elevations between 1,770 and 2,215 m. The species has a large body size (head and body length 137–147 mm) in comparison with other species in the genus, and also is distinguished from its congeners by presenting a tail longer than the head–body length, presence of genal vibrissae 1 and 2, wide presphenoid, first and second lower molars with ectolophid, and third lower molar slightly shorter than the second. A molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial genes resolved the new species a member of the “aureus” group, most closely related to Thomasomys aureus sensu stricto (genetic distance 8.57%) and as well as an additional undescribed species from southeastern Ecuador. This finding increases the diversity of Thomasomys to 46 species, of which 17 species are present in Ecuador. In addition, the species described herein is the first Thomasomys from the Amazonian basin, a genus that up to now was thought to be restricted to Andean ranges.

montane forest, Rodentia, Thomasomyini, Thomasomys aureus

Thomasomys pardignasi sp. nov. (MECN 5852, holotype)
 external appearance of the adult female alive in its natural habitat in the Cordillera de Kutukú, Ecuador 

Family Cricetidae Fischer, 1817
Subfamily Sigmodontinae Wagner, 1843

Tribe Thomasomyini Steadman and Ray, 1982

Genus Thomasomys Coues, 1884

Thomasomys pardignasi sp. nov.
Pardiñas’ Andean Mouse
Ratón andino de Pardiñas (in Spanish)

Diagnosis: A species of Thomasomys that can be recognized by the following combination of characters: head and body length of 137–145 mm; tail longer than the head and body length, measuring 210–226 mm; tail with 12 rows of scales per cm on the axis; genal vibrissae 1 and 2 present; wide presphenoid; upper maxillary row 6.4–6.6 mm; M1 with shallow anteroflexus; M3 with reduced paracone; m1–m2 with ectolophids and without ectostylids; m3 slightly shorter than m2.

Etymology: This species is named in honor of Ulyses F. J. Pardiñas (Argentina, b. 18 May 1969), a prominent paleontologist who has dedicated his academic life to the study of sigmodontine rodents. The epithet of the species is formed from the surname “Pardiñas,” taken as a noun in the genitive case (replacing “ñ” with “gn” as per article 27 of ICZN), with the Latin Suffix “i” (ICZN 31.1.2).


Jorge Brito, Sarah Vaca-Puente, Claudia Koch and Nicolás Tinoco. 2021. Discovery of the First Amazonian Thomasomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae): A New Species from the remote Cordilleras del Cóndor and Kutukú in Ecuador. Journal of Mammalogy. gyaa183. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyaa183

Describimos una nueva especie de roedor cricétido del género Thomasomys proveniente de los bosques montanos de las Cordilleras del Cóndor y Kutukú, sureste de Ecuador, a una altura comprendida entre 1,770–2,215 m. Se trata de una especie de tamaño corporal grande (longitud cabeza-cuerpo 137–147 mm) con respecto a las demás especies del género, que se distingue de sus congéneres por presentar una cola más larga que la longitud cabeza-cuerpo, presencia de vibrisas genales 1 y 2, presfenoide ancho, primer y segundo molar inferiores con ectolófido y tercer molar inferior ligeramente más corto que el segundo. Una filogenia molecular derivada a partir de los genes mitocondriales muestra que la nueva especie forma parte del grupo “aureus,” cercanamente relacionada con Thomasomys aureus sensu stricto (distancia genética de 8.57%) y con otra especie de Thomasomys aún no descrita del sudeste ecuatoriano. Este hallazgo aumenta la riqueza de Thomasomys a 46 especies, de las cuales 17 están presentes en Ecuador. Adicionalmente, la especie descrita aquí es el primer Thomasomys de la cuenca amazónica, un género que hasta ahora había estado restringido a ambientes andinos.

bosque montano, Rodentia, Thomasomyini, Thomasomys aureus

[Ichthyology • 2023] Balitora anlongensis • the First Cavefish Species of the Genus Balitora (Cypriniformes: Balitoridae) from Guizhou Province, southwest China

Balitora anlongensis Luo, Chen, Zhao, Yu, Lan & Zhou,

in Luo, Chen, Zhao, Yu, Lan, Zhou, Xiao et Zhou, 2023.

This work describes a new species, Balitora anlongensis sp. nov., collected from a cave at Xinglong Town, Anlong County, Guzihou, China. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed based on two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes show that the new species represents an independent evolutionary lineage with large genetic differences, 7.1%–12.0% in mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and 9.2%–12.1% in cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, from congeners. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from the 18 species currently assigned to the genus Balitora by a combination of characters, most clearly by having two pairs of maxillary barbels; 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays; 5½ branched anal-fin rays; pectoral fin not reaching pelvic fin origin; dorsal-fin origin in front of pelvic fin origin; eye small (eye diameter approximately equal to outer maxillary barbel length); and fins lacking pigment in live fish. The new species represents the first record of Balitora inhabiting caves in China and increases the number of species in the genus Balitora in its present concept from 18 to 19. The study suggests that more evidence is needed to further clarify the taxonomic composition of the genus Balitora.

Key words: Nanpanjiang River, stone loach, taxonomy, phylogeny
Morphological characters of holotype GZNU20230215007 of Balitora anlongensis sp. nov. in preservative (10% formalin)
A lateral view B dorsal view C ventral view D ventral side view of head, and E dorsal side view of head. Photos from Tao Luo. Abbreviations: M, maxillary barbels; AN, anterior nostril.

Balitora anlongensis sp. nov. in life, paratypes GZNU20230106001 (photos A and B) and GZNU20230215014 (photo C)
A right-side view B ventral side view, and C dorsal view.
Photographs A, B were shot indoors at ~ 9:00 p.m. Photo C was taken in the cave at ~ 15:00 noon.

 Balitora anlongensis Luo, Chen, Zhao, Yu, Lan & Zhou, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Balitora anlongensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: (1) two pairs of maxillary barbels; (2) dorsal fin rays iii, 8½; (3) pectoral fin viii, 11; (4) pelvic fin rays ii, 9; (5) anal fin rays iii, 5½; (6) lateral-line scales 66–68; (7) tip of pectoral fin not reaching to the pelvic fin origin; (8) dorsal fin origin anterior to the pelvic fin origin; (9) tip of the pelvic fin reaching to the anus; (10) eyes small, eye diameter equal to outer maxillary barbel length; (11) six to seven indistinctly separated transversely oval blotches on the dorsal side; and (12) each fin transparent and unpigmented in life.

Etymology: The specific epithet “anlongensis” is in reference to the type locality of the new species: NaNao Village, Xinglong Town, Anlong County, Guizhou Province, China. We propose the common English name “Anlong stone loach” and the Chinese name “ān lóng Pá Qīu (安龙爬鳅)”.

 Tao Luo, Zhi-Xia Chen, Xin-Rui Zhao, Jing Yu, Chang-Ting Lan, Jia-Jun Zhou, Ning Xiao and Jiang Zhou. 2023. Balitora anlongensis, the First Cavefish Species of the Genus Balitora (Teleostei, Balitoridae) from Guizhou Province, southwest China. ZooKeys. 1185: 21-42. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1185.108545