Scoliokona baliensis O. Gorbunov, 2021
A new species, Scoliokona baliensis sp.n. from the island of Bali, Indonesia, is described and figured. The holotype of the new species was collected with using artificial sex attractant. It is deposited in the collections of the A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. The female and the larval host plant are still unknown. This is the first record of the genus to the island of Bali. A new combination — Scoloikona stroehlei (Fischer, 2002), comb.n. is established.
KEY WORDS. Lepidoptera, Paranthrenini, clearwing moths, Scoliokona, new species, Oriental Region, Indonesia.
Scoliokona baliensis sp. n.: 2 — holotype, upside. Sesiidae picture № 0017–2020. Alar expanse 32.8 mm; 3 — ditto underside. Sesiidae picture № 0018–2020. |
Type locality of Scoliokona baliensis sp. n. Indonesia, Bali, Tabanan, Lalah Linggah, ..., 50 m, 11.II.2020.
Photo by O. Gorbunov. |
Scoliokona baliensis O. Gorbunov, sp.n.
HABITAT. The holotype was collected at the edge of a
coconut plantation and a secondary rainforest (Fig. 1).
DISTRIBUTION. The new species is known only from
the type locality on the island of Bali, Indonesia.
ETHYMOLOGY. This new species is named after the
island Bali, Indonesia, where this species was collected.
O.G. Gorbunov. 2021. A New Species of the Genus
Scoliokona Kallies
et Arita, 1998 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from Bali, Indonesia.
Russian Entomological Journal. 30(1); 93–99. DOI:
РЕЗЮМЕ. Приведено описание нового вида, Scoliokona baliensis sp.n. с острова Бали, Индонезия. Голотип нового вида был собран с помощью искусственных половых аттрактантов. Он хранится в коллекции Института проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова Российской академии наук в Москве. Это первое указание рода для острова Бали. Установлено новое сочетание — Scoloikona stroehlei (Fischer, 2002), comb.n.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕСЛОВА. Lepidoptera, Paranthrenini, бабочки-стеклянницы, Nokona, новыйвид, Ориентальный регион, Индонезия.