Sunday, June 2, 2024

[Funga • 2023] Xerocomellus perezmorenoi (Basidiomycota: Boletales: Boletaceae) • A New edible Species from Mexico

 Xerocomellus perezmorenoi Ayala-Vásquez & M. Martínez-Reyes,   

in Martínez-Reyes, Carrera-Martínez, Fuente, Ríos-García, Ortiz-Lopez et Ayala-Vásquez. 2023. 

Xerocomellus perezmorenoi (Boletaceae, Boletales) is described as a new species from Mexico. This species was collected under Abies religiosa in mixed coniferous forest located in three localities (Puebla, Tlaxcala, and State of Mexico) in central Mexico. It is morphologically characterized by its small-sized basidiomata, pileus brown at the center and cream with pink to purple tones at the margin, almost blackish at the center when young, black-brown when mature, pores lilac, peach to salmon when young, yellow citrine at mature; violet or violet-brown color reaction of the context when cut; basidiospores (12–) 15–16 (–17) × 4–5 (–6) µm. Phylogenetic analyses (Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) based on multi-locus sequences confirmed X. perezmorenoi is a new species, with biocultural importance due to edibility. Detailed a description, photographs, analyses of phylogenetics, and taxonomic discussions are presented.

Keywords: Fungi, Abies religiosa, boletes, central Mexico, ectomycorrhizal fungi

  Xerocomellus perezmorenoi.
 A (MEXU-HO 30411 paratype), D (MEXU 30410-type).
context of basidiomata; B (MEXU 30410-type), E (MEXU 30411 paratype).
hymenophore; C surface of pileus (MEXU 30411 paratype); F basidiomata (MEXU 30412 paratype).
Scale bars: 10 mm.

Xerocomellus perezmorenoi Ayala-Vásquez & M. Martínez-Reyes, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: — Xerocomellus perezmorenoi is characterized by small basidiomata; pileus brown at the center and cream with pink to purple tones at the margin, almost blackish at the center when young, black-brown when at mature, pores lilac, peach to salmon when young, yellow citrine at mature; basidiospores (12–) 15–16 (–17) × 4–5 (–6) µm, ellipsoid-fusoid.

Etymology: —Dedicated to the eminent Mexican mycologist Prof. Jesús Pérez Moreno who is a pioneer in biotechnology of ectomycorrhizal fungi with biocultural importance in Mexico mainly Boletales and Agaricales , with more than 30 years of experience.

Magdalena Martínez-Reyes, Anaitzi Carrera-Martínez, Javier Isaac de la Fuente, Uzziel  Ríos-García, Ivette Ortiz-Lopez and Olivia Ayala-Vásquez. 2023. Xerocomellus perezmorenoi (Boletaceae, Boletales), A New edible Species from Mexico. Phytotaxa. 584(2); 104–114. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.584.2.3