Saturday, June 15, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Microchirita argostemmiflora, M. flavofusca, M. magniflora • Three New Species from Khammouane Karst [Studies on the Gesneriaceae in Laos I]

ດອກລະຄັງຫວງ  ||  Microchirita magniflora Souvann. 

in Souvannakhoummane et Lanorsavanh, 2024. 
Photos by K. Souvannakhoummane.

 Three new species of Microchirita from the Khammouane Karst are here described as part of studies on the family Gesneriaceae in Laos. The description, habitat, phenology, vernacular name, initial IUCN assessment, illustration, and photographs of the new taxa are provided.

Keywords: Hin Nam No National Park, limestone flora, new taxa, taxonomy

Microchirita argostemmiflora Souvann. & Lanors.:
A. habit; B. flower, front view; C. flower, back view; D. anthers.
    All from LP140. Photos by K. Souvannakhoummane & S. Lanorsavanh.

Microchirita argostemmiflora Souvann. & Lanors., sp. nov. 

Similar to Microchirita personata C.Puglisi in the habit, but differing in the inflorescence 2–6-flowered (vs more than 10-flowered), corolla lobes rotate (vs personate), anthers yellow, papillose (vs white, glabrous).

Etymology.— The specific epithet refers to the flowers resembling the flower of Argostemma (Rubiaceae).
Vernacular name.— ດອກປີ່ນຂາວ [Dok Pin Khao].

Microchirita flavofusca Souvann. & Lanors.:
A. habitt; B. flower, front view, and slightly back view; C. inflorescence withflowers and young fruits; D-E. dissected corolla tube showing anthers and staminodes; F. calyx and pistil; G. young fruit.
  All from LP139. Photos by S. Lanorsavanh.

Microchirita flavofusca Souvann. & Lanors. sp. nov.

Similar to Microchirita glandulosa C.Puglisi in having bracts fused at the base, but differeng in the stem glabrous (vs stem sparsely glandular hairy), calyx tube 2.5–4 mm, hairy only outside (vs 1.5 mm, hairy on both sides), corolla 3–3.5 cm long, light yellow with brown-red patch (vs 15–18 mm, white), filaments minutely glandular (vs glabrous). It is also similar to M.magnifloraSouvann., but differing by calyx sparsely eglandular pubescent, remote serrate with glandular margin (vs densely glandular pubescent, with some stellate hairs, and entire margin), corollalightly yellow with brown-red patch inside (vs corolla dark purple, granite grey patch near mouth with yellow inside).

Etymology.—The  specific epithet refers to the yellow flower with brown-red patch.
 Vernacular  name.— ດອກລະຄັງເຫຼືອງ [Dok  La  Khang Leung].

Microchirita magniflora Souvann.:
A. habit; B. flowers; C. flower, side view; D. calyx and pistil; E. dissected corolla tube showing anthers and staminodes; F. anthers.
 All from PMHNN0209. Photos by K. Souvannakhoummane.

Microchirita magniflora Souvann., sp. nov.

Similar to Microchirita involucrata (Craib) Yin Z.Wang in the habit and morphology of flower form, but differing in bracts fuse at the base (vs free), calyx covered by glandular hairs with some stellate hairs outside (vs only glandular hairs), corolla 35–40 mm long, yellow inside throat (vs 18–21 mm long, not yellow inside), filaments minutely glandular (vs glabrous).

Etymology.— The specific epithet refers to large flowers.
Vernacular name.— ດອກລະຄັງຫວງ [Dok  La  Khang Louang].

Keooudone Souvannakhoummane and Soulivanh Lanorsavanh. 2024. Studies on the Gesneriaceae in Laos I: Three New Species of Microchirita from Khammouane Karst. Tropical Natural History. 24(1); 2024), 60–69.