Wednesday, July 24, 2024

[Botany • 2022] Kalanchoe dineshii (Crassulaceae) • A New Species from southern Western Ghats, India

 Kalanchoe dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, 

in Radh Sasi et Nampy, 2022. 

A new species of Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae), K. dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, is described and illustrated. The new species occurs in the Mathikettan Shola National Park in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, and it is only known from the Idukki district. It is morphologically most similar to K. bhidei, but distinguished from the latter by its small stature (30-40 cm high), obovate to obtrullate sessile leaves adnate to stem in the basal ¼th, and widely ovate calyx lobes. Information is also given on the distribution, habitat, phenology, and conservation status of the new taxon.

Keywords: Idukki district, Mathikettan Shola National Park, Western Ghats, taxonomy

 Kalanchoe dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, sp. nov.:
 a, stem basally showing leaf scars and new shoots; b, flowering twig; c, leaves adnate to stem in the basal ¼ th ; d, involucral bract; e, floral bract; f, flower; g, calyx lobe; h, corolla lobe showing a caudate apex; i, corolla cut opened; j, gynoecium; k, nectar scale [from: S. Syam Radh & S. Nampy 137816; illustration: S. Syam Radh].

  Kalanchoe dineshii Syam Radh & Nampy, sp. nov.:
 a, flowering branch; b & c, leaves adnate to stem in the basal ¼ th and the undulate to incised margins distally; d, branch of the inflorescence; e, bract; f, flower; g, calyx split opened; h, corolla lobe showing the caudate apex; i, corolla cut opened; j, gynoecium showing the nectar scales at the base; k, carpel; l, stigma; m, nectar scale [from: S. Syam Radh & S. Nampy 137816; photos: S. Syam Radh].

Syam Radh Sasi and Santhosh Nampy. 2022. Kalanchoe dineshii (Crassulaceae), A New Species from southern Western Ghats, India. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. 79(2); e127. DOI: