Thursday, December 15, 2022

[Entomology • 2022] Skejotettix netrajyoti • A New Genus and A New Groundhopper Species (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from Nepal

Skejotettix netrajyoti
Subedi, 2022 

This paper describes one new genus from Nepal, Skejotettix gen. nov., and one new species of this new genus, S. netrajyoti gen. et sp. nov. and assigns one species to this new genus, S. muglingi (Ingrisch, 2001b) comb. nov. from Coptotettix Bolívar, 1887. The genus is morphologically close to Ergatettix Kirby, 1914 from Nepal, Lamellitettigodes Günther, 1939 from SE Asia, and Hainantettix Deng, 2020 (including H. angustivertex (Zha et Peng, 2021) comb. nov. and H.  hainanensis (Liang, 2002) comb. nov.) from Hainan, China. New distribution records have been provided to Coptotettix. Endemic to Nepal, the genus Skejotettix gen. nov. shares two different habitat types (subtropical Sal forest for S. netrajyoti gen. et sp. nov., and river/stream/pond bank for S. muglingi (Ingrisch, 2001b) comb. nov.).  

Keywords: Orthoptera, Josip Skejo, Himalayas, Tetrigidae, pygmy grasshopper, Hainantettix, forest, stream

 Skejotettix netrajyoti gen. et sp. nov. in natural habitat:
A-B-Adult ♂; C-D-Adult ♀; E-Early instar nymph ♂; F-Early instar nymph ♀.

 Moss (Plantae: Bryophyta), a food source of Skejotettix netrajyoti gen. et sp. nov.:
 A-Mylia taylorii (Hook.) Gray, 1821; B, D-Unidentified moss; C-Fissidens sp.; E-Adult ♀ feeding on the moss in natural habitat; F-Adult ♂ feeding on the moss in natural habitat.

Madan Subedi. 2022. A New Genus and A New Groundhopper Species from Nepal (Orthoptera: Tetriginae: Skejotettix netrajyoti gen. et sp. nov.). Zootaxa. 5205(1); 35-54. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5205.1.3