Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium R. F. Almeida & Amorim,
in Almeida & Amorim, 2015. |
Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium is described and illustrated and its distribution, conservation status, and taxonomy are presented. S. mikanifolium can be distinguished from S. auriculatum and S. macedoanum by its leaf laminas with lobate margins, and filiform glands on the apex of each lobule, sessile discoid glands between the lobules, a petiole apex with a pair of cupulate glands, yellow posterior petals with reddish veins, and the styles parallel and straight.
Key Words: Malpighiales, Ryssopterys, semideciduous forest, taxonomy
Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium R. F. Almeida & Amorim A flowering branch; B detail of the abaxial surface of the leaf; C leaf; D detail of cupuliform glands at the petiole apex; E reduced leaves associated with the inflorescence; F detail of glands at the petiole apex; G umbels disposed in a dichasium; H detail of floral morphology; J stamen opposite the anterior sepal; K stamens opposite the anterior-lateral petals, anterior-lateral sepals and posterior-lateral petals (from right to left respectively); L stamens opposite the anterior-lateral petals, anterior-lateral sepals and posterior-lateral petals (from left to right respectively); M stamens opposite the posterior sepals (marginal stamens) and the posterior petal (central stamen); N detail of gynoecium with glabrescent ovary.
Fig. 1. Stigmaphyllon auriculatum. A flowering branch; B detail of flower, frontal view; Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium. C flowering branch; D detail of petiole showing a pair of glands; E detail of buds, lateral view; F detail of flower, frontal view; G posterior petal, frontal view; H detail of reproductive organs; I overview of the semideciduous forest in the Pedra do Elefante Environmental Protection Area, where S. mikanifolium is found.
(Photographs A-B by L. Moura and C. Pessoa , C-H by C. N. Fraga, and I by R. Goldenberg). |
Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium R. F. Almeida & Amorim, sp. nov.
ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet refers to its the morphology which resembles that of an Mikania Willd. (Asteraceae) leaf.
Rafael Felipe de Almeida and André Márcio Amorim. 2015.
Stigmaphyllon mikanifolium (Malpighiaceae), A New Species from Espírito Santo State, Brazil.
Kew Bulletin. 70: 47. DOI: