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Onosma fuyunensis Y. He & Q.R. Liu |
Onosma fuyunensis, a new species of Boraginaceae from northern Xinjiang, China, is described and illustrated here. Onosma fuyunensis is similar to O. simplicissima and O. gmelinii; it differs in having a particularly bristly indumentum, unbranched stems, white and yellow corollas, anthers united only at base, and nutlets with a stipitate cicatrix. An updated key to the species of Onosma from Xinjiang and Altai Mountains is also provided.
Keywords: Boraginaceae, new species, Onosma fuyunensis, Xinjiang
Onosma fuyunensis Y. He & Q.R. Liu, sp. nov.
Onosma gmelinii auct. non Ledeb.: Fl. Reipub. Popul. Sinicae 64(2): 54. 1989. p.p.; Fl. China 16: 352. 1995. p.p.; Clavs Plantarum Xijiangensis. 428. 2000. p.p.; Fl. Xinjiangensis 4: 157. pl. 50. 2004. p.p.
Onosma simplicissima auct. non L.: Fl. China 16: 351. 1995; Fl. Xinjiangensis. 4: 157. 2004.
Diagnosis: Closely allied to O. simplicissima L., a widespread species distributed from E Europe to E Siberia. It is differentiated by being perennial herb with rosettes (v.s. mostly subshrub with woody branching base and sterile shoots, Fig. 1B), having leaves with spreading bristles (Fig. 2 C–F, v.s. densely silky appressed pilose), larger nutlets (ca. 5 mm v.s. 2.5–3 mm), longer calyx (15–22 mm v.s. 6–13 mm) and corolla (22–27mm v.s. 18–20 mm). Also nearly to O. gmelinii Ledeb., but different through having obvious reticulate venation (v.s. obscure lateral veins), slightly elongating and straightening inflorescences in fruit (v.s. markedly elongating and straightening), longer and parallel calyx lobes in fruit (1.2–2 mm v.s. ca. 4mm, lobes converging), cream and pale yellow corolla (v.s. pale yellow), included anthers united only at base (v.s. united into a tube, Fig. 3D), nutlet with stipitate cicatrix and elongated, rectangular surfaces epidermis cells (v.s. complanate cicatrix and reticulate cells, Fig. 3A, F) and isopolar pollen grains (v.s. heteropolar, Fig. 3H).
Etymology: The specific epithet of the new species refers to its type locality, Fuyun County, Xinjiang, China.
Distribution and habitat: Onosma fuyunensis is mainly distributed in Fuyun County, Qinghe County and Altay Prefecture (Fig. 4), it is also known from W Mongolia near the border (Khovd aimag), according to the photo record by Peter Kosachev (http://www.plantarium.ru/page/image/id/128255.html). It prefers dry rocky screes and upland meadows along the hillside, from 500–1400 m a.s.l. Species growing nearby are: Echinops gmelinii Turcz, Goniolimon speciosum (L.) Boiss., Artemisia rutifolia var. altaica (Kryl.) Krasch. and Carex turkestanica Regel.
Yi He, Xue-Min Xu, Yu Zhou and Quan-Ru Liu. 2020. Onosma fuyunensis (Boraginaceae), A New Species from Xinjiang, China. PhytoKeys. 144: 11-22. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.144.33287