Sunday, June 2, 2024

[Diplopoda • 2020] Syrioiulus lohmanderi • A New Species of Syrioiulus Verhoeff, 1914 (Julida: Julidae) from Iran, with Remarks on the Taxonomy of the Genus

Syrioiulus lohmanderi 
 Vagalinski, 2020

Syrioiulus lohmanderi sp. nov. is described from material collected in Gilan Province, northwestern Iran. The new species is morphologically most similar to S. astrabadensis (Lohmander, 1932a) and S. persicus (Golovatch, 1983), also known only from the northern parts of Iran. A key to the species of SyrioiulusVerhoeff, 1914 recorded from this country is compiled, and a checklist of all species presently assigned to the genus is given. Syrioiulus adsharicus (Lohmander, 1936) and S. cappadocius (Lohmander, 1939) are transferred from Amblyiulus Silvestri, 1896. The taxonomic problems within Syrioiulus and related genera are briefly discussed.

Syrioiulus lohmanderi sp. nov., overall appearance of male holotype (1, 2, 4) and female paratype (3), in MHNG.
(1) Head and body rings 1-5. (2) Mid-body rings. (3) Head and collum. (4) Telson. Photos not to scale.

Syrioiulus lohmanderi sp. nov.

Boyan Vagalinski. 2020. A New Species of Syrioiulus Verhoeff, 1914 from Iran, with Remarks on the Taxonomy of the Genus (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae). Revue suisse de Zoologie. 127(1); 83-94. DOI: 10.35929/RSZ.0008