Thursday, May 23, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Astragalus nordizensis (Fabaceae) • A New Species of Astragalus Sect. Hymenostegis from Van Province, Türkiye

Astragalus nordizensis Fırat, 

in Fırat, 2024. 

Astragalus nordizensis Fırat (sect. Hymenostegis Bunge), is described as a new species from Gürpınar district of Van province, Türkiye. From the morphological point of view, the new species appears to be most similar to Astragalus zohrabi Bunge and A. rubrostriatus Bunge, but it differs in several morphological characters including peduncle indumentum, inflorescence shape, leaf and flower, fruit and seed morphology, etc. A comprehensive description of this new species is provided, including detailed photographs, geographical distribution map, habitat and ecology, vernacular name and IUCN conservation status.

Keywords: Astragalus, endemic, new species, Türkiye, Van, Warbilind

Mehmet Fırat. 2024. Astragalus nordizensis (Fabacaea), A New Species from Van province (Türkiye) belonging to section HymenostegisNordic Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.1111/njb.04172