Sunday, May 19, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Vaccinium dehongense (Ericaceae) • A New Species from western Yunnan, China

Vaccinium dehongense  Y.H.Tong, 

in Tong, Ye et Ni, 2024.  
滇西越橘  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.242.121623
Vaccinium dehongense (Ericaceae), a new species from Yingjiang County of Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. This new species belongs to Vaccinium sect. Epigynium and is most similar to V. vacciniaceum, but differs from the latter in the subsessile leaves, the inflorescence usually developing at leafless nodes, the shorter pedicels and the filaments being ca. 1/3 length of the stamens. Since the type locality of this new species is very near the border between China and Myanmar, it is probably also distributed in the adjacent area of Myanmar. As no population assessment of this species in its whole distribution area is made, it is best to assign a conservation status of ‘Data Deficient’ (DD) for this species.

Key words: Morphology, taxonomy, Vaccinieae, Yingjiang County

Vaccinium dehongense
A habitat, the red arrow indicating this species B habit C flowering branchlets D inflorescences E infructescences with immature fruits F part of an inflorescence, showing bracts and bracteoles G flower with corolla removed H stamens, adaxial, lateral and abaxial view I ovary cross-section, showing pseudo-10-locular ovary.
Scale bars: 5 mm (F–G); 3 mm (H–I). Photographs by Yi-Hua Tong.

 Vaccinium dehongense Y.H.Tong, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: This new species is morphologically similar to V. vacciniaceum, especially its subspecies, V. vacciniaceum subsp. glabritubum P. F. Stevens (with a glabrous internal corolla surface), in having pseudo-verticillate leaves with a serrate margin and a rounded leaf base, glandular-setulose twigs with scattered lenticels, elongate racemose inflorescences with many flowers, narrowly triangular bracts and bracteoles and a glabrous internal corolla surface, but can be distinguished by subsessile (vs. with 1–4 mm long petioles) leaves, the inflorescences usually developing at leafless nodes (vs. axils of leaves), shorter pedicels (6–7.5 mm vs. 7–13 mm) and filaments being ca. 1/3 length of the stamens (vs. ca. 1/2).

Etymology: The species epithet is derived from the type locality, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture. Its Chinese name is given as 滇西越橘 (Pinyin: diān xī yuè jú).

 Yi-Hua Tong, Xing-Er Ye and Jing-Bo Ni. 2024. Vaccinium dehongense (Ericaceae), A New Species of Vaccinium sect. Epigynium from western Yunnan, China.  PhytoKeys. 242: 31-37. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.242.121623