Wednesday, October 18, 2023

[Botany • 2023] Cryptocoryne zamboangaensis (Araceae) • A New Water Trumpet discovered in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines [Discovery through Citizen Science III]

Cryptocoryne zamboangaensis  Naive, 

in Naive, Wongso, Paglalunan, Ponteras et Jacobsen, 2023. 

Cryptocoryne zamboangaensis, is described as a new water trumpet species discovered by citizen scientists in the streams of Zamboanga del Norte, southwestern Philippines. It resembles C. aponogetifolia in having a spathe tube longer than spathe limb, but differs significantly by its ovate, densely verrucose bright purple limb with a narrow collar. A preliminary analysis of the conservation status and a dichotomous key to the species of the genus in the Philippines are provided.

Keywords: aquatic plants, biodiversity, endangered, western Mindanao, Zamboanga Peninsula

Cryptocoryne zamboangaensis

Mark Arcebal K. Naive, Suwidji Wongso, Ariel Paglalunan, Edilberto Ponteras and Niels Jacobsen. 2023. Discovery through Citizen Science III: Cryptocoryne zamboangensis (Araceae), A New Water Trumpet discovered in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.1111/njb.04181