Tuesday, March 18, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Lithocarpus graniticus (Fagaceae) • A New Species from the Granitic Mountain Valleys of Southern Fujian, China


Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin,

in Lin, X.-Y. Chen, Ma, Zhu et S.-P. Chen, 2025. 
岩柯  |  DOI: doi.org/10.3417/2025955

An elegant new species of Fagaceae, Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin, was discovered in the valley of a granite mountain in southern Fujian, China. The new species is most similar to L. cucullatus C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang in having grayish-white waxy scales on abaxial leaf surfaces, cupules enclosing more than 1/2 of the nut, and the seed scar convex and ca. 1/3 of the nut. It is distinguished by its cupular cupule, relatively densely pilose inflorescences, ovate or ovate-elliptic leaves, and sparsely pilose indument on branches and abaxial surfaces of young leaves. Photographs, a line drawing, and a description of the new species are provided.

Keywords: Fagales, Lithocarpus, Southeast China, stone oak

Line drawing of Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin.
—A. Branches and leaves with young infructes-cence. —B. Abaxial leaf surface. —C. Androgynous inflorescence, showing the cluster of staminate flowers borne near apex and pistillate flower borne far from apex, each with a bracteole. —D. Mature infructescence. —E. Nut.
Drawn by Xue-Jing Lan.

Photographs of Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin.
—A, B. Habitat and full body. —C, D. Young branchlets and leaves. —E, F. Branchlets and leaves of last-year growth. —G, H. Infructescences, cupules, and nuts. —I. In-florescences. —J. Male flowers. —K. Female flowers.

Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin, sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Lithocarpus graniticus S. P. Chen & Y. Z. Lin is distinguished from L. cucullatus C. C. Huang & Y. T. Chang by its sparsely pilose (vs. tomentose) branchlets and abaxial surfaces of young leaves; ovate or ovate-elliptic (vs. narrowly oblong to lanceolate) leaves; relatively densely pilose (vs. to-mentose) inflorescences; and cupular (vs. cucullate) cupules.

Etymology and common name. The epithet “graniticus” indicates the new species was discovered growing in granite mountains. 
The proposed Chinese name of Lithocarpus graniticus is 岩柯 (yan ke).

Yi-Zhe Lin, Xin-Yan Chen, Liang Ma, Yi-Yao Zhu and Shi-Pin Chen. 2025. Lithocarpus graniticus (Fagaceae), a New Species from the Granitic Mountain Valleys of Southern Fujian, China. Novon, A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. 33; 16 - 23. DOI: doi.org/10.3417/2025955