Grewia kentingensis Y.H. Tseng, Chih Y.Chang & C.Y.Lin, sp. nov., a new species found on elevated coral reefs in southern Taiwan, is described. The species was previously misidentified as G. piscatorum Hance. Grewia kentingensis differs from G. piscatorum in its habit (procumbent vs. erect to ascending shrub), leaf length (<2 cm vs. up to 7 cm), breeding system (gynodioecious vs. trioecious), smaller flower diameter, fewer stamens, and smaller pollen grains. Color photographs, line drawings, and pollen images of the new species are provided. Additionally, a lectotype for G. piscatorum is designated and an identification key for the Grewia taxa of Taiwan is presented.
Key words: Critically endangered, Grewia piscatorum Hance, pollen morphology, southern Taiwan, taxonomy
Grewia kentingensis Y.H. Tseng, Chih Y.Chang & C.Y.Lin, sp. nov.
Chinese name. kěn-dīng-bǔ-yú-mù (墾丁捕魚木)
Etymology. The species epithet kentingensis refers to the type locality of Kenting in Hengchun Peninsula, Pingtung County, Taiwan.
Chou-Yi Lin, Chih-Yi Chang, Chiu-Mei Wang, Hsy-Yu Tzeng and Yen-Hsueh Tseng. 2025. Grewia kentingensis (Malvaceae, Grewioideae), A New Species from Taiwan. PhytoKeys. 253: 155-176. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.253.141785