Wednesday, March 5, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Davidlivingstonia mooseri • A New Species and A New Record of the Afrotropic Genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Middle East

[A-B]. Davidlivingstonia lenzi Yakovlev, 2020;
[C-D] Davidlivingstonia mooseri Yakovlev, Müller, Saldaitis & Prozorov, 2025 

A new species, Davidlivingstonia mooseri sp. n. is described from Oman and compared with the closely related D. boisduvalii (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854), which is known from Sierra Leone. Additionally, Davidlivingstonia lenzi Yakovlev, 2020 is recorded for Egypt for the first time. These new records significantly extend the known distribution of the Afrotropical genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020, demonstrating its range reaches much farther north and northeast than previously documented.
Keywords: Cossoidea, Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, new species, taxonomy

Davidlivingstonia, adult males and their genitalia:
A. D. lenzi, male, S. Egypt; B. D. lenzi, male genitalia, slide Prozorov 2022 0457;
C. Davidlivingstonia mooseri, Holotype; D. D. mooseri, male genitalia, slide Prozorov 2022 0458.

Roman V. Yakovlev, Günter C. Müller, Aidas Saldaitis and Alexey M. Prozorov. 2025. A New Species and A New Record of the Afrotropic Genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Middle East. Zoology in the Middle East. 71(1); 63-67. DOI: [09 Jan 2025]

Yakovlev, R.V. 2020. On the taxonomy of Zeuzera boisduvalii Herrich-Schäffer, 1854 (Cossidae, Zeuzerinae) species complex with description of A New Genus and Three New Species. Ecologica Montenegrina. 38, 215–226. DOI: