Monday, February 3, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Peliosanthes orthocoronata (Asparagaceae) • A New Species from Southeastern Yunnan, China

Peliosanthes orthocoronata H.Z. Feng, 

in Wang, Bi, Chu, Zhang et Feng, 2024.
Peliosanthes orthocoronata is described and illustrated as a new species from southern China. The new species is similar to P. griffithii, they can be easily distinguished by horizontal stolons, the perianth lobes, and the staminal corona morphology. Notes on the habitat, conservation status, phenology, and taxonomic relationships with congeners are also provided.

androecium, corona, Liliaceae, limestone, taxonomy, Monocots

Peliosanthes orthocoronata.
 A: Plant. B & C: Inflorescence. D & E: Flower, front view. F & G: Flower, views from side. H: Basal portion of flower, with corona cross-sectioned. I. Flower, rear view. J: Basal portion of flower, with corona and style cross-sectioned. K: Basal portion of inflorescence. L: Flower, views from side and with corona cross-sectioned. M: Bract, with part of one pedicel. N: Flower, views from side. O: Flower, longitudinally sectioned with ovary has been removed. P & Q: Flower, longitudinally sectioned.

Peliosanthes orthocoronata H.Z. Feng, sp. nov.

Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the shape of corona; orthocorona is composed of “ortho+corona”,“ortho-” means upright.

Li Hong WANG, Ming Hui BI, Hong Bo CHU, Gao Cheng ZHANG and Hui Zhe FENG. 2024. Peliosanthes orthocoronata (Asparagaceae), A New Species from Southeastern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa. 678(3); 167-175. DOI: