Thursday, February 6, 2025

[Botany • 2023] Cylindrolobus gaoligongensis (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Podochileae) • A New Species from Yunnan, China

 Cylindrolobus gaoligongensis J.D.Ya and H.Jiang, 

in Ya, Jiang, He, Liao, Zhao, Cai, Wang et Xiong, 2023. 

A new species of Cylindrolobus (Orchidaceae), C. gaoligongensis from the Gaoligong Mountain, northwestern Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to C. arunachalensis and C. gloensis, but can be distinguished from them by having orange to pink and triangular-ovate lip mid-lobe with mucronate apex, front margin of lateral lobes yellow to white and with short glandular hairs gradually transitioning to dense long hairs, two central calli connected to a keel toward mid-lobe in the disk, and three rows of white long hairs at the base of the disk. Additionally, an improved description and illustration of the closely related species C. arunachalensis, is also provided.

Keywords: Cylindrolobus, new species, Orchidaceae, southwest China, taxonomy

 Cylindrolobus gaoligongensis J.D.Ya and H.Jiang sp. nov.
 (A) Habitat, (B) plant, (C) flowering plant, (D&F) inflorescence, (E, G-J) flower, (K) adaxial sepals, petals and lip, (L-N) column and lip, (O-S) labellum (three rows of white long hairs in the base of the disk (O); two central calli and connected to a keel toward mid-lobe in the disk (O and R); the front margin of lateral lobes with yellow to white and little glandular hairs gradually transition to densely long hairs(S), (Q-T) pollinarium, (U) anther cap.
 Photographs by H. Jiang. Scales indicate: A-E = 2 cm; F-K = 1 cm; L-R = 5 mm; S-U = 1 mm.

Ji-Dong Ya, Hong Jiang, Zheng-Jun He, Qin-Chang Liao, Yan-Hui Zhao, Jie Cai, Hong Wang and Zhi Xiong. 2023. Cylindrolobus gaoligongensis sp. nov. (Orchidaceae, Podochileae) from Yunnan, China, and improved description of C. arunachalensisNordic Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.1111/njb.04075