The study of an important collection of scorpions, belonging to the genus Chaerilus, recently collected from a cave in the Palawan Island, Philippines, allows the clarification of the identity of this population, often misidentified with Chaerilus chapmani Vachon & Lourenço, 1985 known from caves in the Gunong Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Borneo). Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. is described from the Puerto Princesa Underground River Cave in Palawan Island based on 14 specimens, males, females, and juveniles. The new species is totally distinct morphologically from Chaerilus chapmani, a true troglobitic species. Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. may also be a true troglobitic element, but with a less marked degree of regression for several characters. Some comments on the ecology of the new species and on regional biogeography of Borneo and Palawan islands are also proposed.
Keywords: Biogeography, Cave-life, Chaerilus, Ecology, Identity

Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n.
The study of an important collection of scorpions, belonging to the genus Chaerilus, recently collected from a cave in the Palawan Island, Philippines, allows the clarification of the identity of this population, often misidentified with Chaerilus chapmani Vachon & Lourenço, 1985 known from caves in the Gunong Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Borneo). Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. is described from the Puerto Princesa Underground River Cave in Palawan Island based on 14 specimens, males, females, and juveniles. The new species is totally distinct morphologically from Chaerilus chapmani, a true troglobitic species. Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. may also be a true troglobitic element, but with a less marked degree of regression for several characters. Some comments on the ecology of the new species and on regional biogeography of Borneo and Palawan islands are also proposed.
Keywords: Biogeography, Cave-life, Chaerilus, Ecology, Identity

Patronym: the name honours Dr Paolo Agnelli (MZUF) and Dr Stefano Vanni (MZUF), who organised the scientific expedition in Palawan, The Philippines.
Wilson R. Lourenço and Andrea Rossi. 2019. The Cave Population of Chaerilus Simon, 1877 from Palawan, Philippines, and Description of A New Species (Scorpiones: Chaerilidae) [La population cavernicole de Chaerilus Simon, 1877 à Palawan, Philippines, avec la description d’une nouvelle espèce (Scorpiones : Chaerilidae)]. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 342(1–2); 45-53. DOI: 10.1016/j.crvi.2018.12.001
Résumé: L’étude d’une importante collection de scorpions appartenant au genre Chaerilus, récemment collectée dans une grotte de l’île de Palawan, aux Philippines, permet désormais de clarifier l’identité de cette population souvent incorrectement identifiée comme Chaerilus chapmani Vachon & Lourenço, 1985 connue des grottes du Gunong Mulu National Park au Sarawak (Bornéo). Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. est décrite de la grotte de Puerto Princesa, dans l’île de Palawan, à partir de 14 spécimens, mâles, femelles et juvéniles. Par sa morphologie, la nouvelle espèce est globalement distincte de Chaerilus chapmani, une véritable espèce troglobie. Chaerilus agnellivanniorum sp. n. pourrait également représenter un véritable élément troglobie, mais avec un moindre dégrée de régression pour plusieurs caractères. Des commentaires sont également ajoutés sur l’écologie de la nouvelle espèce et sur la biogéographie de Bornéo et de l’île de Palawan.
Mots clés: Biogéographie, Chaerilus, Écologie, Identité, Vie souterraine