Tuesday, December 5, 2023

[Ichthyology • 2024] Phylogenomics of the narrowly endemic Eurycheilichthys (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): Sympatric Species with Non-sister Relationships suggest mainly Allopatric Speciation


Armored catfishes of the genus Eurycheilichthys

in Delapieve, Rocha & Reis, 2023. 

• Phylogenomic inference for Eurycheilichthys based on ddRAD sequence data.
• Monophyly of most, but not all, morphospecies corroborated by genome-wide data.
• Most sympatric species are not sister lineages, suggesting allopatric diversification and secondary contact.
• Higher diversity among lineages in the Taquari-Antas basin indicates a more dynamic landscape.
• Eastern clade species should be target by future studies to assess the presence of cryptic species or hybridization.

Armored catfishes of the genus Eurycheilichthys are endemic to Southern Brazil and Misiones (Argentina) comprising nine species of small size, with a high degree of sympatry and species diversity distributed in two river basins. Here we use new genome-wide data to infer a species phylogeny and test species boundaries for this poorly known group. We estimate 1) the phylogenetic relationships of the species of Eurycheilichthys based on 29,350 loci in 65 individuals of nine species plus outgroups, and 2) the population structure and differentiation based on 43,712 loci and 62 individuals to estimate how geography may have acted on speciation and formation of the sympatric species groups. Analyses support the monophyly of the genus and suggest two species-inclusive clades (East and West) with high support and very recently diverged species. Western clade contains E. limulus (from upper Jacuí River basin) that is sister to Western species of the Taquari-Antas basin plus E. paucidens. The Eastern clade contains E. pantherinus (from Uruguay River basin) sister to the Eastern species of the Taquari-Antas basin E. coryphaenus, plus the central-distributed species E. planus and E. vacariensis, and the more widely-distributed species E. luisae. Eurycheilichthys luisae is not monophyletic and may contain one or more cryptic species or hybrid individuals. A stronger diversity on structure of lineages on the Taquari-Antas, when compared to upper Uruguay and Jacuí River basins, and the fact that most of the sympatrically distributed taxa have non-sister relationships suggest a scenario of mainly allopatric speciation and may indicate a more dynamic landscape with headwater capture events among these tributaries.
Keywords: Neotropics, Biodiversity, Cascudinhos, ddRADseq, Phylogenetics

Maria Laura S. Delapieve, Luiz A. Rocha and Roberto E. Reis. 2023. Phylogenomics of the narrowly endemic Eurycheilichthys (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): Sympatric Species with Non-sister Relationships suggest mainly Allopatric Speciation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 190, 107970. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107970