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Cynanchum hubeiense Wen. B. Xu, B.S. Xia & J.Y. Shen, in Xu, Xia, Wu, Chen et Shen, 2021. 湖北豹藥藤 || taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1733 |
Cynanchum hubeiense Wen. B. Xu, B.S. Xia & J.Y. Shen (Apocynaceae), a new species from Luotian County, Hubei Province, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to C. callialatum Buch.-Ham. ex Wight, C. decipiens Schneid., C. brevipedunculatum J.Y.Shen and C. longipedunculatum M.G.Gilbert & P.T.Li, but differs from them by slightly angulate follicles, the shorter peduncle, corolla white to reddish, corolla lobes ovate, planar, stems without two leaflike stipules per node, and stems sparsely puberulent. Photographs, distribution, comparison with related species, and conservation assessment are provided for this rare vine species.
Keyword: Asclepiadeae, Cynanchum callialatum, C. decipiens, C. brevipedunculatum, C. longipedunculatum
Cynanchum hubeiense Wen B. Xu, B. S. Xia & J. Y. Shen, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Cynanchum hubeiense is allied to C. callialatum, C. decipiens, C. brevipedunculatum, and C. longipedunculatum, but can be distinguished by several morphological features (Table 1), including follicles slightly angulate (vs. with 2 wings especially prominent at tip in C. callialatum), corolla lobes ovate (vs. oblong in C. callialatum, C. decipiens, C. brevipedunculatum, and C. longipedunculatum), branchlets sparsely puberulent (vs. pubescent along a single line in C. callialatum, C. decipiens, C. brevipedunculatum and C. longipedunculatum), and absence of stipules (vs. two leaflike-stipules per node in C. decipiens, C. brevipedunculatum and C. longipedunculatum), peduncle 5–9 mm (vs. 40–90 mm in C. decipiens, 18–22 mm in C. brevipedunculatum, 60–90 mm in C. longipedunculatum).
Distribution & habitat: At present, C. hubeiense is only known from the type locality. The species is found beside the road of Bodaofeng Mountain, it is surrounded by dense mixed woods, at an elevation of about 1,360 m. The common companion species are Oplismenus undulatifolius (Ard.) P.Beauv., Commelina communis L., Polygonum nepalense Meisn., Hylodesmum podocarpum (DC.) H.Ohashi & R.R.Mill, Patrinia scabiosifolia Fisch. ex Trevir., and Lysimachia clethroides Duby.
Etymology: The new species is currently only known from the Hubei Province, China, thus the specific epithet “hubeiense” was chosen. The Chinese name is “湖北豹 藥藤” (hú běi bào yào téng), which means the vine is poisonous.
Wen-Bin Xu, Bo-Shun Xia, Jin-Qing Wu, Yu-Xing Chen and Jian-Yong Shen. 2021. Cynanchum hubeiense (Apocynaceae), A New Species from Hubei, China. Taiwania. 66(1); 53-56.
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2021.66.53 taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1733