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Tosanoides annepatrice
Pyle, Greene, Copus & Randall, 2018
The new species Tosanoides annepatrice sp. n. is described from four specimens collected at depths of 115–148 m near Palau and Pohnpei in Micronesia. It differs from the other three species of this genus in life color and in certain morphological characters, such as body depth, snout length, anterior three dorsal-fin spine lengths, caudal-fin length, and other characters. There are also genetic differences from the other four species of Tosanoides (d ≈ 0.04–0.12 in mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I). This species is presently known only from Palau and Pohnpei within Micronesia, but it likely occurs elsewhere throughout the tropical western Pacific.
Keywords: closed-circuit rebreather, coral-reef twilight zone, mesophotic coral ecosystems, Micronesia
Tosanoides annepatrice sp. n.
Diagnosis: A species of Tosanoides (sensu Katayama and Masuda 1980) distinguished by the following combination of characters: fourth or fifth dorsal spine the longest; dorsal-fin soft rays 16–17; anal-fin soft rays 8; pored lateral-line scales 33–34; head 2.3–2.9 in SL; body depth 2.6 in SL; color in life of males: head and body rose-pink, crossed by four bright yellow stripes, the third continuing as a bright red stripe with magenta edges along the middle of the body, becoming yellow centered on base of caudal fin; dorsal fin with a very broad middle yellow stripe with magenta margin; base of anal fin colored like body anteriorly, grading broadly to magenta posteriorly; pelvic fins yellow, except for magenta last two rays; eye magenta with an uneven ring of yellow around pupil; color of immature and presumed female yellow with irregular, near-vertical, wavy red lines following scale margins; anal fin magenta anteriorly, grading posteriorly to purple, with a greenish yellow streak; pelvic fins bright magenta.
Distribution: Tosanoides annepatrice is known on the basis of four specimens, one (the holotype) collected at a depth of 115 m in Palau, and three paratypes collected at a depth of 148 m near Pohnpei. Additional individuals have been observed at depths of ~120–150 m at Pohnpei. The species likely occurs at similar depths throughout much of Micronesia, and perhaps more broadly within the tropical western Pacific; but more exploration of habitat at appropriate depths throughout this region is necessary to determine its complete geographic range.
Habitat and Ecology: Tosanoides annepatrice has been observed and collected along steep limestone coral-reef drop-offs at depths from 115–150 m. The paratypes were collected along a small rocky crevice near the entrance to a cave, but other individuals have been seen in similar habitats not in association with caves. Most individuals of this species have been observed in groups consisting of one apparent male and several apparent females and juveniles.
Etymology: We name this species annepatrice (a noun in apposition) in honor of Anne Patrice Greene, mother of Brian D. Greene who collected all known specimens of this new species, in recognition of the support and encouragement she has consistently provided to Brian’s exploration of the deep coral reefs of Micronesia.
Richard L. Pyle, Brian D. Greene, Joshua M. Copus and John E. Randall. 2018. Tosanoides annepatrice, A New Basslet from Deep Coral Reefs in Micronesia (Perciformes, Percoidei, Serranidae). ZooKeys. 786: 139-153. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.786.28421