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Lippia aonae Zavatin & P.H.Cardoso, in Zavatin, Ramos, Salimena et Cardoso, 2024. |
Lantaneae stands out as the largest lineage within the Verbenaceae, and advancing systematic and taxonomic studies within this tribe is crucial to clarify the circumscription of non-monophyletic genera and elucidate its species richness. In Brazil, the taxonomic knowledge of Lantaneae is still in progress, particularly regarding the genera Lantana and Lippia. Here, we describe Lippia aonae, a new species from the campos rupestres of the Espinhaço Range, Cerrado domain, in the north of Minas Gerais state. It is a subshrub 0.4‒0.6 m tall, with viscous and aromatic leaves, inflorescences with small bracts and corollas, and drupaceous fruits. A detailed description, illustrations, comparison with morphologically related species, and a geographical distribution map are provided for its recognition. Following the IUCN criteria, Lippia aonae can be considered as Vulnerable (VU).
Keywords: campos rupestres; conservation; endemism; Flora of Brazil; Lamiales
Lippia aonae Zavatin & P.H.Cardoso, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: A species more similar to Lippia raoniana P.H.Cardoso & Salimena, but differs by being a smaller plant, with non-sulcate branches, leaves with shorter petioles and blades, orbicular, ovate, or obovate, with glabrescent adaxial surface, lustrous in vivo, and bracts with longer and spreading hairs along the margins, sericeous on the adaxial surface.
Etymology: The specific epithet is an homage to our dear friend, Dr. Lidyanne Yuriko Saleme Aona Pinheiro, an exceptional Brazilian botanist whose career is dedicated to studying Commelinaceae and Cactaceae. Lidyanne currently holds the position of a professor at Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia and curator of the HURB herbarium. This tribute represents a form of gratitude for Lidyanne’s significant contributions to Brazilian botany.
Danilo Alvarenga Zavatin, Renato Ramos, Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena and Pedro Henrique Cardoso. 2024. A New Species of Lippia (Verbenaceae) from the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Acta Bot. Bras. 38; DOI: doi.org/10.1590/1677-941X-ABB-2024-0024