Thursday, December 19, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Aphelandra almanegra (Acanthaceae) • A New Species from the dry forests of the Cauca River canyon in Antioquia department, Colombia


Aphelandra almanegra   

in Gallego et Wood, 2024.

Aphelandra almanegra, a new species from tropical dry forest in Antioquia department, Colombia, is described, illustrated and mapped. Notes are given on its geographical distribution, phenology, conservation status and taxonomic affinities. It is compared with its morphologically closest relative Aphelandra pulcherrima, which differs by its habit, indumentum and various inflorescence characters. This species is restricted to dry forests of the Cauca River canyon, in the northwest of Colombia, a highly degraded and threatened ecosystem.

Endemism, Inter Andean Valleys, Vulnerable species, Eudicots

Pablo C. GALLEGO and John R.I. WOOD. 2024. Aphelandra almanegra (Acanthaceae), A New Species from the dry forests of the Cauca River canyon in Antioquia department, Colombia.  Phytotaxa. 652(3); 208-216. DOI:

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