Monday, October 7, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Oreocharis jasminina (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from mountain tops of Hainan Island, South China


Oreocharis jasminina S.J.Ling, F.Wen & M.X. Ren, 
in Ling, Guan, Wen, Shui et Ren. 2020.
迎春花马铃苣苔  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.157.50246

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Oreocharis jasminina S.J.Ling, F.Wen & M.X. Ren from Hainan Island, south China, is highlighted and described. The new species is distinguished by its actinomorphic corolla, narrow floral tube and ovate anthers hidden in the floral tube. The new species also showed clear geographic and altitudinal isolation from the three currently-recognised Oreocharis species on the Island. Molecular phylogenetic analysis, based on nuclear ITS1/2 and plastid trnL-trnF sequences, supported the delimitation of the new species, which forms a single lineage with all the other Oreocharis species from Hainan Island. The roles of geographic and floral isolation in the evolution of the new species and its affinities are discussed.

Keywords: Hainan Island, new taxon, Oreocharis

Oreocharis jasminina sp. nov. 
 A Habit B face view of corolla C lateral view of corolla D opening corolla showing pistil and stamens E pistil F stamens and staminode.
(all drawings based on the holotype S.J.Ling 20181126–01 in HUTB, drawn by S.P. Guan).

Oreocharis jasminina sp. nov.
A Habitat B habit C face view of corolla D lateral view of corolla E opening flower showing stamens and staminode F stamens and staminode G pistil and sepals H fruit pods I adaxial leaf surface J abaxial leaf surface.

Oreocharis jasminina S.J.Ling, F.Wen & M.X. Ren, sp.nov.
Diagnosis: Oreocharis jasminina has the closest phylogenetic relationship with O. dasyantha, O. dasyantha var. ferruginosa and O. flavida with very high support values, all being Hainan-endemic and monophyletic. O. jasminina can be easily distinguished from them by having: (1) a long and narrow floral tube (both O. dasyantha and O. dasyantha var. ferruginosa have conical floral tubes, O. flavida has campanulate-tubular floral tube); (2) yellow and actinomorphic corolla (both O. dasyantha and O. dasyantha var. ferruginosa are zygomorphic with orange-red to yellow corolla, O. flavida is actinomorphic with orange corolla); (3) didynamous stamens with ovate anthers hidden in the floral tube (both O. dasyantha and O. dasyantha var. ferruginosa have exposed didynamous stamens with ovate anthers, O. flavida has four equivalent stamens with horseshoe-shaped anthers included in the floral tube) (Table 1, Fig. 4).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the yellow and narrowly tubular corolla of this new species.

Vernacular name: 迎春花马铃苣苔 (Yíng Chūn Huā Mǎ Líng Jù Tái) is the Chinese name for Oreocharis jasminina, the first three characters meaning ‘winter jasmine’, indicating its similar floral syndromes to Jasminum nudiflorum Lindl. The last four characters are the Chinese name for Oreocharis.

 Shao-Jun Ling, Shu-Ping Guan, Fang Wen, Yu-Min Shui, Ming-Xun Ren. 2020. Oreocharis jasminina (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from mountain tops of Hainan Island, South China. In: Shui Y-M, Chen W-H, Ren M-X, Wen F, Hong X, Qiu Z-J, Wei Y-G, Kang M (Eds) Taxonomy of Gesneriaceae in China and Vietnam. PhytoKeys. 157: 121-135. DOI: