Wednesday, October 9, 2024

[Paleontology • 2024] Ardetosaurus viator • A New diplodocine Sauropod from the Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA

 Ardetosaurus viator
van der Linden, Tschopp, Sookias, Wallaard, Holwerda & Schulp, 2024

 DOI: 10.26879/1380 
  Life reconstruction by Ole Zant.

The Morrison Formation of the western United States is well-known for its high diversity of sauropod dinosaurs. The Howe-Stephens Quarry in northern Wyoming is one of several quarries which has yielded several associated to completely articulated dinosaur specimens, among which a semi-articulated diplodocid specimen, MAB011899, which was excavated in 1993. This diplodocid specimen is represented by posterior cervical, dorsal, sacral, and anterior caudal vertebrae, multiple thoracic ribs, two chevrons, a left coracoid, a left ilium, both pubes and ischia, a left femur, a left tibia, and a left fibula. Through comparative anatomy, we interpret this specimen as a new species of diplodocine sauropod, Ardetosaurus viator gen. et sp. nov. Unambiguous autapomorphies include paired accessory laminae in the spinoprezygapophyseal fossae of posterior cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae, bifurcating anterior centrodiapophyseal laminae in the anterior dorsal vertebrae, fossae present in the centropostzygapophyseal laminae of the second dorsal vertebra, a low vertebral height/centrum length ratio of the posterior dorsal vertebrae and reduced to absent centroprezygapophyseal laminae in the anterior caudal vertebrae. Local autapomorphic features include single centroprezygapophyseal laminae in the posterior cervical vertebrae and a highly elliptical cross-section of the femoral midshaft. Ardetosaurus viator is the first skeletally mature sauropod specimen described from the Howe-Stephens Quarry. This specimen provides insight into serial variation of vertebral laminae and laminar transitions. Finally, the peculiar morphology of the—often not preserved—first chevron is described in detail, and its possible use in studying sexual dimorphism in sauropods is discussed.

Keywords: sauropod; new genus; new species; Morrison Formation; Diplodocinae; Wyoming

  Skeletal reconstruction of  Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899. Skeletal reconstruction indicating preserved bones (white), excavated bones but subsequently lost (light gray) and not preserved (dark gray). Unknown elements are based on other diplodocines.
Scale bar equals 1 m. Reconstruction by Ole Zant.

SAUROPODA Marsh, 1878
EUSAUROPODA Upchurch, 1995
NEOSAUROPODA Bonaparte, 1986

FLAGELLICAUDATA Harris and Dodson, 2004


Ardetosaurus viator gen. et sp. nov.
Holotype. MAB011899: two cervical vertebrae, 10 dorsal vertebrae, sacrum, five caudal vertebrae, eight dorsal ribs, two chevrons, a left coracoid, a left ilium, both pubes, both ischia, a left femur, a left tibia, and a partial left fibula.

Diagnosis. Ardetosaurus viator is diagnosed by the combination of the following autapomorphies: 1) the presence of distinct, paired accessory laminae in the spinoprezygapophyseal fossae (SPRF) in the posterior cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae, 2) anteroventrally bifurcating anterior centrodiapophyseal laminae (ACDLs) in the anterior dorsal vertebrae, 3) the presence of centropostzygapophyseal lamina fossae (CPOL-f) in the second dorsal vertebra, 4) a vertebral height/centrum length ratio of <2.5 of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, and 5) reduced or absent centroprezygapophyseal laminae (CPRLs) in the anterior-most caudal vertebrae. Ardetosaurus viator differs from all other diplodocines by having unbifurcated CPRLs in the posterior cervical vertebrae and a highly elliptical femoral cross-section. Ardetosaurus viator differs from Amphicoelias Cope, 1878, in lacking the rounded, lateral projections of the neural spine tip and the thin neural spine base in the dorsal vertebrae; from Barosaurus Marsh, 1890, by having tall cervical neural spines, single midline keels, narrower prezygapophyseal rami in the cervical vertebrae, ten dorsal vertebrae, the presence of ...

Etymology. ‘Ardeto’ is an inflection of Latin ārdēre, meaning ‘to burn.’ It refers to the history of some of the elements, which were either fully destroyed in a fire, or still show burn scars from the fire. ‘saurus, ’ Latinized form of the Greek σαῦρος (saúros), meaning lizard or reptile. ‘viator’ is Latin for traveler, referring to the journey of the specimen from the USA, via Switzerland and Germany, to the Netherlands.

Locality and horizon. Ardetosaurus viator comes from the Howe-Stephens Quarry of northern Wyoming, USA. The quarry is dated, based on magnetostratigraphy and correlation with other sections in the Morrison basin (Maidment and Muxworthy, 2019; Maidment, personal communication, 2022) at 150.44 to 149.21 million years old, placing it in the Kimmeridgian Stage of the Upper Jurassic.

 Quarry map of Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899. Excavation map of the Howe-Stephens Quarry, indicating the major finds from 1992-2000. Individual dinosaurs are color coded, and MAB011899 is coded with dark blue, and named ‘Diplodocus Brösmeli’ herein. The red crosses indicate the missing/lost cervical vertebrae. Note the relatively similar color for ‘Brösmeli’ and ‘David’ (SMA 0086), but their significant separation in the quarry.
 Figure is courtesy of the SMA. Quarry sections equal 1 by 0.5 m.

  Life reconstruction of  Ardetosaurus viator MAB011899.
Illustration by Ole Zant.

The skeleton of Brösmeli is on display in the Oertijdmuseum.

Tom T.P. van der Linden, Emanuel Tschopp, Roland B. Sookias, Jonathan J.W. Wallaard, Femke M. Holwerda, and Anne S. Schulp. 2024. A New diplodocine Sauropod from the Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA. Palaeontologia Electronica. 27(3): a50. DOI: