Tuesday, December 31, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Cleisostoma mulunense (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) • A New Species from Guangxi, China


Cleisostoma mulunense  Ying Qin & Yan Liu, 

in Qin, Tan, Luo et Liu, 2023. 
木论隔距兰  ||  DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.616.3.9 
Cleisostoma mulunense, a new species of Orchidaceae from Mulun National Nature Reserve, Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is close to C. menghaiense, but can be easily distinguished from the latter mainly by its yellowish green to yellow, with purplish brown flowers, suboblong dorsal sepal, broadly oblong and obviously oblique lateral sepals, oblong petals, lip median lobe with 2 basal backward triangular lobules, cylindroid spur. Detailed morphological descriptions, colour photographs and other information of the new species are provided.

Monocots, limestone flora, morphology, new taxon, taxonomy

Cleisostoma mulunense Ying Qin & Yan Liu
mù lùn gé jù lán. 木论隔距兰

Ying QIN, Wei Ning TAN, Liu Juan LUO and Yan LIU. 2023. Cleisostoma mulunense (Orchidaceae), A New Species from Guangxi, China.  Phytotaxa. 616(3); 295-300. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.616.3.9 [2023-09-28] 


Monday, December 30, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Roquea multiserialis (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) • A New Genus of Lychnophorinae from Brazil and its phylogenetic placement

Roquea multiserialis Loeuille & Antar,

in Loeuille, Almeida, Siniscalchi, Lusa et Antar, 2024. 
Lychnophorinae (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) consists of 21 genera and approximately 150 species, primarily distributed in the Brazilian Central Plateau, with several novelties recently described. With new botanical expeditions conducted in Serra da Formosa, state of Minas Gerais, a set of collections that belong to Lychnophorinae but were not easily assigned to a genus was discovered. After morphological and anatomical analyses and phylogenetic studies, we describe and illustrate Roquea, a new genus of Asteraceae from Brazil, to accommodate the new species Roquea multiserialis. Affinities of the new genus with other genera of Lychnophorinae are discussed along with a preliminary conservation status assessment, and notes on its distribution, ecology and affinities. This new finding contributes to the understanding of the taxonomy and evolution of Lychnophorinae and the campos rupestres and supports the urgent need to preserve Serra da Formosa, currently threatened by human activity.

campo rupestre, Compositae, endemism, Neotropical flora, taxonomy, Eudicots

Roquea multiserialis Loeuille & Antar.
A. Flowering branch. B. Detail of abaxial leaf midrib indumentum composed of stellate trichomes (some indument removed). C. Detail of adaxial leaf midrib indumentum composed of stellate trichomes. D. Capitulum. E. Longitudinal section of capitulum. F. Outer phyllary. G. Inner phyllary. H. Abnormal corolla with 8 lobes. I. Abnormal corolla opened and showing 8 anthers. J. Apex of corolla lobe. K. Anther. L. Style. M. Cypsela with a pappus.
A.–I. Illustration by Margaret Tebbs based on R.B. Almeida et al. 1070 (K).

Roquea Loeuille & Antar, gen. nov. 

Type:—Roquea multiserialis Loeuille & Antar. 

Diagnosis:—Compositarum, tribus Vernonieae, subtribus Lychnophorinae. Frutices vel arbusculae. Indumentum ex pilis variabiliter stellatis nec non eramosis compositum. Folia petiolata, vaginis semiamplexicaulibus instructa. Inflorescentiae in ramis axillaribus, capitula in corymbum disposita. Capitula 130–150-flora; squamae involucri 7–9-seriatae, imbricatae, persistentes. Corollae lilacinae ad subroseas, lobis dense villosis; antherae calcaratae, caudatae; basi stylorum non noduliferi. Cypselae prismaticae, glabrae; carpopodia obsoleta; pappus biseriatus; setae pallidae stramineae, paleaceae, saepe leviter tortiles, seriei exterioris breves, basin leviter connatae, persistentes, seriei interioris caducae. 

Etymology:—The generic name honors Dr. Nadia Roque (1970-2024), a Brazilian professor and researcher at Universidade Federal da Bahia, in Salvador, Brazil. She made outstanding contributions to the knowledge of Asteraceae, especially of Neotropical and Brazilian species. She first started her career working with the tribes Barnadesieae and Mutisieae, but soon expanded her studies to Eupatorieae and Heliantheae. She authored more than 100 scientific papers, contributed to ca. 20 book chapters as well as two books: “Asteraceae. Caracterização e Morfologia Floral” (Roque & Bautista 2008) and “A família Asteraceae no Brasil: classificação e diversidade” (Roque et al. 2017b), which have become important references for new students working in Asteraceae taxonomy in Brazil. She also advised numerous graduate students engaged in the study of Asteraceae and other families and led the treatment of Asteraceae in the collaborative project Flora e Funga do Brasil (Roque et al. 2020). 

Roquea multiserialis Loeuille & Antar.
A. Habitat. B. Habitat and habit. C. Habit. D, E. Branch in flower. F. Capitula detail.
A–F. Photos by R.B. Almeida.

Roquea multiserialis Loeuille & Antar sp. nov., adhuc unica.

Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the high number of series of phyllaries. The Lychnophorinae taxa typically have fewer than the 7–9 series as in Roquea multiserialis.

Benoît LOEUILLE, Roberto Baptista Pereira ALMEIDA, Carolina M. SINISCALCHI, Makeli G. LUSA, Guilherme Medeiros ANTAR. 2024. Roquea, A New Genus of Lychnophorinae (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from Brazil and its phylogenetic placement.  Phytotaxa. 675(2); 97-114. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.675.2.1 

[Botany • 2024] Clematis brevipes (Ranunculaceae) • an interesting and yet imperfectly known species from Gansu and Sichuan, China

 Clematis brevipes  Rehder (1928) 

in Huang, Zeng, Yuan et Yang, 2024.

Clematis brevipes (Ranunculaceae), described from southern Gansu province, China, is an interesting and yet imperfectly understood species, with some of its important morphological characters, detailed geographical distribution and habitat information unknown or inconsistently recorded. Based on careful observations of both herbarium specimens (including type material) and living plants in the wild, here we determine the number of leaflets and color of flowers of this species and its geographical distribution. The habitat information is also given for this species for the first time. Furthermore, we discuss aspects of typification of C. brevipes and the affinity of the species with its close allies.

Clematis sect. Cheiropsis, geographical distribution, morphology, taxonomy, Eudicots

QIAO-LAN HUANG, YOU-PAI ZENG, QIONG YUAN and QIN-ER YANG. 2024. Clematis brevipes (Ranunculaceae), an interesting and yet imperfectly known species from southern Gansu and northern Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa. 635(2); 126-136. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.635.2.2

Friday, December 27, 2024

[Entomology • 2022] Metanarsia moroccana • A New Species of Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) from Morocco


 Metanarsia moroccana
Bidzilya, 2022

Metanarsia moroccana sp. nov. is described from Eastern Morocco. The species is remarkable in having an unmodified recurved labial palpus and the adults active in October. Adults and male genitalia of the new species are illustrated, and the adults compared with the most superficially similar Metanarsia dahurica Bidzilya, 2005. An annotated list of the species of Metanarsia is provided.
Metanarsia spp., dorsal view, males.
1–3. Metanarsia moroccana sp. nov.; 1, 2. Paratypes; 3. Holotype;
4–6. M. dahurica; 4, 5. Paratypes; 6. Holotype.

 Metanarsia moroccana sp. nov.
Diagnosis: The new species is recognizable externally by its reddish brown forewing with diffuse reddish pink transverse fasciae (Figs 1–3) and recurved labial palps with an unmodified segment 2 and short segment 3 (Figs 7, 8). Metanarsia kosakewitshi Piskunov, 1990 and Metanarsia guberlica Nupponen, 2010 have somewhat similar reddish-brown forewings but differ in the absence of fasciae. Additionally, M. kosakewitshi is lighter, uniformly reddish brown and straight labial palps

 Oleksiy V. Bidzilya. 2022. A New Species of Metanarsia Staudinger, 1871 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from Morocco. Nota Lepidopterologica. 45: 295-303. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/nl.45.95198 

[Entomology • 2022] Pseudohampsonella medogensis • A New Species of the Genus Pseudohampsonella Solovyev & Saldaitis (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) from Xizang Autonomous Region, China

[1-2] Pseudohampsonella medogensis Wu, Zhao & Han, 2022
[3] P. bayizhena Wu & Pan, 2015; [4] P. hoenei Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2014, 

in Wu, Zhao et Han, 2022. 
The sixth species of the genus Pseudohampsonella Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2014, P. medogensis sp. nov., is described from Xizang Autonomous Region, China. The new species is morphologically similar to the congeners P. bayizhena Wu & Pan, 2015 and P. hoenei Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2014, but differs from them by the uncus slightly waved with a blunt apex and the phallus distinctly curved mesally. Images of adults and genitalia are presented. The circumscription of the new species is supported molecularly by the analysis of the pairwise genetic distances using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The minimum interspecific distance value between the new species and its sister species, P. lii Wang & Li, 2017, is 7.7%.

Lepidoptera, COI sequence, Slug caterpillar moth, Motuo, Parasa, Taxonomy, Zygaenoidea

 Adults of Pseudohampsonella spp.:
1. P. medogensis sp. nov., male, holotype, Xizang, China (in NEFU); 2. P. medogensis sp. nov., female, paratype, Xizang, China (in NEFU);
3. P. bayizhena Wu & Pan, 2015, male, Xizang, China (in NEFU); 4. P. hoenei Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2014, male, Yunnan, China (in NEFU). Scale bar: 10 mm.

JUN WU, TING-TING ZHAO and HUI-LIN HAN. 2022. A New Species of the Genus Pseudohampsonella Solovyev & Saldaitis (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) from Xizang Autonomous Region, China. Zootaxa. 5138(1); 67-74. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5138.1.6

[Botany • 2019] Canthium longipetalum (Rubiaceae) • A New Species from Kachin State, Northern Myanmar


Canthium longipetalum Y.H. Tan & S.S. Zhou, 

in Yang, Zhou et Tan, 2019. 
Canthium longipetalum Y.H. Tan & S.S. Zhou, a new species of Rubiaceae from Putao, Kachin State, Myanmar, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to C. neilgherrense which has ca. 3 mm long pedicels and corolla lobes, but differs from it by having 2.5–3.2 cm long pedicels and 1.2–1.4 cm long corolla lobes.

Bin Yang, Shi-Shun Zhou, Yun-Hong Tan. 2019. Canthium longipetalum (Rubiaceae), a New Species from Kachin State, Northern Myanmar. Annales Botanici Fennici. 56(1-3); 197-201. DOI:  doi.org/10.5735/085.056.0124

[Herpetology • 2024] Dibamus elephantinus • A New Species of Blind Skink of the Genus Dibamus Duméril et Bibron, 1839 (Squamata: Dibamidae) from Cambodia

Dibamus elephantinus
 Kliukin, Bragin, Thy, Gorin ... et Poyarkov, 2024 

We describe a new species of blind skink of the genus Dibamus Duméril et Bibron, 1839 based on five specimens collected from Bokor National Park, Kampot Province, southern Cambodia. Dibamus elephantinus sp. n. can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of morphological characters: snout-vent length (SVL) up to 129.3 mm; tail length comprises 17–22% of SVL; rostral suture incomplete; nasal and labial sutures complete; single postocular; three scales at the posteromedial edge of first infralabial; two scales at the posterior edge of second infralabial; the medial sublabial scale enlarged; 19 midbody scale rows; 22 transverse scale rows just posterior to head; 17–19 transverse scale rows just anterior to vent; 178–202 ventral scales; 46–52 subcaudal scales; relative size of frontal to frontonasal (FSW/FNSW) 127–136%; relative size of interparietal to surrounding scales (IPW/NSW) 111–140%; in males hindlimbs longer than head length (HLL/HL 74–78%); the light colored band on the body may be present or absent. We provide an osteological description of the new species based on micro-CT data. Genetically and morphologically Dibamus elephantinus sp. n. is most closely related to D. dalaiensis inhabiting the western part of the Cardamom Mountains in Cambodia. The new species inhabits montane evergreen forests of Damrei Range (also known as Elephant Mountains) at elevations of ca. 1000 m a. s. l. Our study brings the number of species in the genus Dibamus to 27; Dibamus elephantinus sp. n. is the second species of Dibamus to be recorded from Cambodia.

Dibamus elephantinus sp. n.

Nikita S Kliukin, Andrey Bragin, Neang Thy, Vladislav Gorin ... and Nikolay A. Poyarkov. 2024. A New Species of Blind Skink of the Genus Dibamus Duméril et Bibron, 1839 (Squamata, Dibamidae) from Cambodia [Новый вид червеобразных ящериц рода Dibamus Duméril et Bibron, 1839 (Squamata, Dibamidae) из Камбоджи].  Зоологический журнал. 103(11): 97–120. DOI: 10.31857/S0044513424110077 https://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/723221169 

[Botany • 2020] Centaurea devasiana (Asteraceae) • A New Species from Prespa, NW Greece


Centaurea devasiana Bergmeier & Strid,   

in Bergmeier et Strid, 2020. 

 Centaurea devasiana (Asteraceae) is described as a new species of the section Acrolophus. It is restricted to a small area on Mt Devas, Prespa National Park, NW Greece, and is most closely related to a group of narrow Balkan endemics of the Prespa-Ohrid region. The species is illustrated, and its morphological characteristics, habitat and conservation issues are described. An identification key to C. devasiana and similar local species is also provided. 

Key words: Centaurea sect. Acrolophus, endemic, Mt Devas, plant species, Prespa National Park, taxonomy

Centaurea devasiana Bergmeier & Strid, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Similar to Centaurea galicicae but differing in the following characters: stems erect; leaves grey-green, tomentose, segments linear to linear-lanceolate; phyllary appendages narrowly triangular, suberect, terminal spinule equal or longer than and exceeding the whitish lateral cilia; achenes with pappus much shorter than its body

Bergmeier, E. & Strid, A. 2020. Centaurea devasiana – A New Species from Prespa, NW Greece. Phytologia Balcanica. 25(3):281-286. 

[Botany • 2020] Paepalanthus fabianeae (Eriocaulaceae) • A New Microendemic Species from a Morphologically Coherent Clade


Paepalanthus fabianeae  Andrino & Sano, 

in Andrino, Simon, Quintino Faria, Moreira et Sano, 2020.

We describe and illustrate Paepalanthus fabianeae , a new species of Eriocaulaceae from the central portion of the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Previous phylogenetic evidence based on analyses of nuclear (ITS and ETS) and plastid (trnL-trnF and psba-trnH) sequences revealed P. fabianeae as belonging to a strongly supported and morphologically coherent clade containing five other species, all of them microendemic, restricted to the Espinhaço range. Due to the infrageneric classification of Paepalanthus being highly artificial, we preferred not assigning P. fabianeae to any infrageneric group. Paepalanthus fabianeae is known from two populations growing in campos rupestres (highland rocky fields) in the meridional Espinhaço Range. The species is characterized by pseudodichotomously branched stems, small, linear, recurved, and reflexed leaves, urceolate capitula, and bifid stigmas. Illustrations, photos, the phylogenetic position, and a detailed description, as well as comments on habitat, morphology, and affinities with similar species are provided. The restricted area of occurrence allied with threats to the quality of the habitat, mainly due to quartzite mining, justifies the preliminary classification of the new species in the Critically Endangered (CR) category using the guidelines and criteria of the IUCN Red List.

Keywords: Campos rupestres; Poales; taxonomy

Paepalanthus fabianeae.
A, B. Habit. C, D. Involucral bracts, abaxial surface. C. External layers. D. Internal layers. E. Staminate flower. F. Staminate flower with sepals removed and the corolla margin rolled inwards G. Complete pistillate flower. H. Complete pistillate flower with detail of the gynoecium. (Faria, J. 8090, UB). 

Paepalanthus fabianeae.
 A. Flowering branch B. and C. Inflorescence detail. (Faria, J. 8090)
Paepalanthus fabianeae Andrino & Sano, sp. nov.

  Andrino, Caroline Oliveira; Simon, Marcelo Fragomeni; Quintino Faria, Jair Eustáquio; Luiz da Costa Moreira, André and Sano, Paulo Takeo. 2020. Paepalanthus fabianeae (Eriocaulaceae): A New Microendemic Species from a Morphologically Coherent Clade.  Systematic Botany. 45(4); 794-801. DOI: doi.org/10.1600/036364420X16033963649318

[Botany • 2022] Myriophyllum rubricaule (Haloragaceae) • a M. aquaticum look-alike only known in cultivation

Myriophyllum rubricaule Valk. & Duist.,

in Van Valkenburg, Duistermaat, Boer et Raaymakers, 2022. 

A confusingly labeled water-milfoil of obscure status, known only in cultivation, is here formally described as a new species, Myriophyllum rubricaule Valk. & Duist. sp. nov. This species has fully replaced M. aquaticum in the horticultural trade in Europe since the addition of M. aquaticum to the list of invasive alien species of Union concern (EU regulation no. 1143/2014) in 2016. This manuscript provides a morphological description of M. rubricaule sp. nov., and its distinction from M. aquaticum is further supported by molecular data (chloroplast and nuclear loci).

Keywords: Myriophyllum, water-milfoil, EU regulation no. 1143/2014, invasive plant, horticulture

Myriophyllum rubricaule Valk. & Duist. sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: Herba perennis aquatica vel paludigena. Folia omnia verticillata pectinata. Flores unisexuales, solae plantae femininae culturaeque cognitus. Flores intra axillas foliorum solitarii. Planta valde similaris Myriophyllo aquatico, sed caules foliaque modice, caules purpurei et folia emergentia virida. Flores feminei subrosei

Etymology: The species epithet is based on the purplish red color of the stem.

Johan L.C.H. Van Valkenburg, Leni (H.) Duistermaat, Edu Boer and Tom M. Raaymakers. 2022. Myriophyllum rubricaule sp. nov., a M. aquaticum look-alike only known in cultivation. European Journal of Taxonomy. 828(1), 1-15. DOI: doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2022.828.1847 

[Botany • 2024] Aeschynanthus chayangtajoensis (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India

Aeschynanthus chayangtajoensis   

in Chowlu, Shenoy, Ray et Kabeer, 2024.
Aeschynanthus chayangtajoensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from East Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, India, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to A. acuminatus, A. moningerae and A. pedunculatus, in habit, shape and texture of leaves, inflorescence, and seeds with single hilar appendage, but differs from all by gibbous corolla base, completely glabrous gynoecium and much smaller fruit. A detailed description of the new species with color photographs and a comparison table of similar species are provided. The new species is evaluated and provisionally assessed as ‘Critically Endangered (CR)’ according to IUCN Red List Criteria.


Krishna CHOWLU, Akshath SHENOY, Ajit RAY and Althaf Ahamed KABEER. 2024. Aeschynanthus chayangtajoensis (Gesneriaceae), A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India.  Phytotaxa. 678(1); 65-70. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.678.1.6

[Botany • 2024] Heliconia longipedunculata (Heliconiaceae) • A New Species of Heliconia from Colombia: A Proposal Based on Different Characters

Heliconia longipedunculata  
in Alzate-Guarín, Sepúlveda-Nieto et Ramírez, 2024. 

Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) is a genus of giant rhizomatous herbs that have bright and striking bract inflorescences. The family consists of one genus and about 194 species that occur naturally in the tropical regions of the world, concentrating their greatest diversity and endemism in the Andean foothills and the Pacific region of Colombia, with approximately 120 species of the total registered for the world. Within the species of this genus there is high morphological variation, which sometimes makes clear identification of Heliconia specimens difficult. So is the case of Heliconia platystachys Baker, which contains two morphologically distinct groups of plants distinguished by the size and color of the bracts, the floral bracts, the mucilage that covers the flowers, and the shape of the staminodium. These structures of floral biology such as staminodium are of great taxonomic value in the study of the species within the genus Heliconia. The main goal of this work was to study Heliconia populations, which are found on the western slope of the Central Cordillera of Colombia at elevations between 970 and 1200 m, for which the morphoanatomical and palynological attributes were analyzed. We want to explore in this work whether the variation exhibited by these populations and their distribution allows us to postulate the occurrence of a new species with sufficient evidence for its separation.

KEYWORDS: Andes, floral morphology, morphometry, species key, staminode, taxonomy

Heliconia longipedunculata  

Fernando Alzate-Guarín, María del Pilar Sepúlveda-Nieto, and Diego Ramírez. 2024. A New Species of Heliconia from Colombia: A Proposal Based on Different Characters. Systematic Botany. 49(3); 515-521. DOI: doi.org/10.1600/036364424X17267811220425
Una nueva especie de Heliconia fue registrada desde la Uniquindío

Thursday, December 26, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Diaphanes uvaparanagama • A New Species of the Genus Diaphanes (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae) from Sri Lanka

Diaphanes uvaparanagama Wijekoon, 

in Wijekoon et Wegiriya, 2024.
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 13(2)

A new species, Diaphanes uvaparanagama Wijekoon sp. nov., from a freshwater-associated habitat in Uva province, Intermediate Zone, Sri Lanka, is described using males and reliably associated larvae. Males of this species are distinguished by a transparent pronotum and elytra with bright red thoracic terga and mesocutellum, pale yellow abdominal ventrites, and medial restricted photogenic organs. The conical-shaped photogenic organs challenge the traditional generic diagnosis of Diaphanes using light organ morphology. 

Key words: Diaphanes, fireflies, new records, Sri Lanka

Diaphanes uvaparanagama (Male);
A Pronotum (dorsal). B. Elytra (dorsal). C. Head & Antennae. D Thorax & Legs; E. Abdomen (ventrites I-VIII). G. Light organ in ventrite VII & VII. (Scale bar = 1mm) (Note: natural colors are faded in alcohol specimens)

Family: Lampyridae Rafinesque, 1815 
Subfamily: Lampyrinae Rafinesque, 1815 
Genus: Diaphanes Motschulsky, 1853

Diaphanes uvaparanagama Wijekoon sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: Male: 10–11 mm long, distinguished from other recorded Diaphanes by the transparent pronotum and elytra with vivid red thoracic terga and mesocutellum, distinctly pale yellow abdominal ventrites (I - VIII), black legs except the pale yellow femora, LO in both V6 and V7 are median restricted, conical-shaped and milky white (Figs. 2 - 5) 
Larvae: 28.0–30.0 mm long, black dorsum with distinct white vertical spotted lines, pale yellow spots on posterior margin of each segment and outer margin of entire body, mid sagittal line clear, body elongated rather wide, first abdominal segment less longer than others (Figure 6). 

Etymology: This species is named for the area “Uvaparanagama,” where the first specimen was found. This area is located in Welimada, Uva Province, Sri Lanka. We use the name Uvaparanagama as a noun in apposition to preserve the original language. 

W. M. C. D. Wijekoon and H. C. E. Wegiriya. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Diaphanes (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Lampyrinae), D. uvaparanagama Wijekoon, from Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. 13(2)

[Herpetology • 2024] Oligodon zhangfujii • A New Species of Kukri Snake Genus Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826 (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Xizang, China

 Oligodon zhangfujii 
 Jiang, Wu, Huang, Ren, Gao, Lyu & L, 2024  

A new species of the Kukri snake genus Oligodon is described from Mêdog County in the eastern Himalayas of China. The species, named Oligodon zhangfujii sp. nov., can be distinguished from all known congeners by a combination of the following morphological characteristics: (1) 17-17-15 dorsal scale rows; (2) six supralabials, third and fourth entering orbit; (3) one loreal present; (4) seven infralabials, first to fourth in contact with anterior chin shields; (5) 173 ventral scales and 47 pairs of subcaudal scales; (6) cloacal plate divided; (7) hemipenis single, shallowly bilobed, with large calcareous spines and a calyx area, sulcus spermaticus single; and (8) eight maxillary teeth. Phylogenetic analyses based on two mitochondrial genes revealed that this species occupies an independent phylogenetic position, distinct from the eight recognized species groups within the genus, and represents a sister taxon to the clade comprising the O. theobaldi and O. cinereus groups. The description is based on a single road-killed individual. As such, ecological data for the species remain sparse, underscoring the need for additional field surveys across the eastern Himalayan region.

Morphological features of adult male holotype CIB 121710 of  Oligodon zhangfujii sp. nov. as a fresh carcass.
Photos by Jun-Jie Huang.

Habitat of Oligodon zhangfujii sp. nov. in Beibeng Township, Mêdog County, Xizang, China. Photo by Ru-Xue Li. Inset on bottom right shows first observation of fresh road-killed specimen CIB 121710.
Photo by Di-Hao Wu.

Oligodon zhangfujii sp. nov.

Ke Jiang, Di-Hao Wu, Jun-Jie Huang, Jin-Long Ren, Zong-Yuan Gao, Zhi-Tong Lyu and Jia-tang Li. 2024. Description of A New Species of Kukri Snake (Serpentes: Colubridae: Oligodon) from Xizang, China. Asian Herpetological Research. DOI: doi.org/10.3724/ahr.2095-0357.2024.0058

[Crustacea • 2023] Diploexochus spinatus & D. obscurus • Cave-dwellers Diploexochus (Isopoda, Armadillidae): New Species and New Records of the Genus from Brazil

Diploexochus spinatus
Cardoso, Bastos-Pereira & Ferreira, 2023

Two new species of Diploexochus are described. Diploexochus spinatus sp. nov. from Lapa do Honorato cave, located in the municipality of Iuiu, and Diploexochus obscurus sp. nov. from Água Escura I cave, located in the municipality of Carinhanha, both in the southwest of Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. Both species are likely to occur in caves due to anthropogenic impacts in the surrounding area (such as deforestation) and/or looking for the stable microclimatic conditions found in the subterranean realm. Additionally, D. echinatus is recorded in a cave in the municipality of Rurópolis, Pará State, northern Brazil. These represent the first records of the genus for subterranean environments.

Keywords: Bahia; cave species; Neotropics; terrestrial isopods; Woodlice

Diploexochus spinatus sp. nov.
A, Karstic area surrounding Honorato cave; B, Honorato cave; C, Tapera D’água cave;
D, Diploexochus spinatus sp. nov. from Honorato cave; E, D. spinatus sp. nov. from Tapera D’água cave.

Diploexochus obscurus sp. nov.
A, Karstic area surrounding Água Escura I cave; B, entrance of Água Escura I cave; C, conduit where the specimens were found;
D, live specimen of Diploexochus obscurus sp. nov. in lateral view; E, live specimen of D. obscurus sp. nov. in dorsal view.

Giovanna Monticelli Cardoso, Rafaela Bastos-Pereira and Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira. 2023. Cave-dwellers Diploexochus (Isopoda, Armadillidae): New Species and New Records of the Genus from Brazil.  Nauplius. 31; DOI: 10.1590/2358-2936e2023008 

[Botany • 2024] Allium dinaricum (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum from the Balkan Peninsula based on morphology and karyology

Allium dinaricum  Bogdanović, Anačkov, Ćato, Borovečki-Voska, Salmeri & Brullo, 

in Bogdanović, Anačkov, Ćato, Borovečki-Voska, Salmeri et Brullo, 2024. 

Allium dinaricum (Amaryllidaceae), a new species of A. sect. Codonoprasum from the NW Balkan Peninsula is described and illustrated. It is a late summer flowering geophyte occurring in several localities of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, where it usually grows in rupestrian calcareous stands from the coastal to mountain belts. The morphological traits, karyology (2n = 2x = 16), leaf anatomy, seed micromorphology and ecology of the new species are provided. Possible taxonomic relationships with other species occurring mainly in the E Mediterranean are also examined.

KEYWORDS: Allium, Allium dinaricumAllium sect. Codonoprasum, Amaryllidaceae, Balkan Peninsula, Balkans, karyology, morphology, new species, taxonomy

Allium dinaricum – A: rupestrian growth habitat; B, D: inflorescences; C: habit.
 A–D: Krk Island, Surbova, 9 Sep 2023, photographs by S. Bogdanović.

Allium dinaricum Bogdanović, Anačkov, Ćato, Borovečki-Voska, Salmeri & Brullo, sp. nov. 

Holotype: Croatia, Mt Velebit, above Velike Brisnice, in calcareous rocky crevices along mountain path, ..., c. 800 m, 13 Sep 2023, S. Bogdanović & V. Lopac s.n. 
(ZAGR 78944!; isotypes: B!, BUNS!, CAT!, ZA!, ZAGR!).
– Allium fuscum var. gracile Anačkov, Takson. Horol. Roda Allium Srbiji: 132. 2009, nom. inval., not effectively published (Turland & al. 2018: Art. 30.9 and 32.1(a)).

Diagnosis — Allium dinaricum is similar to A. fuscum but differs from the latter in having outer bulb tunics slightly fibrous (vs coriaceous), stems often geminate (vs single), leaf cross-section semi-circular (vs flat), leaf blade narrower, with 2 prominent ribs, spathe valves usually shorter and erect (vs longer and divaricate or reflexed), inflorescence few-flowered (vs many-flowered), tepals smaller, outer stamen filaments shorter, annulus shorter, anther apex apiculate (vs rounded), and ovary smaller.

Etymology — The specific epithet refers to the Dinaric Alps, where the new species is distributed.

Sandro Bogdanović, Goran Anačkov, Sebastian Ćato, Ljiljana Borovečki-Voska, Cristina Salmeri, Salvatore Brullo. 2024. Allium dinaricum (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species of A. sect. Codonoprasum from the Balkan Peninsula based on morphology and karyology. Willdenowia. 54(2-3), 183-196. DOI: doi.org/10.3372/wi.54.54302 (30 October 2024)