Tuesday, January 21, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Agapetes hongheensis (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) • A New Species from Yunnan, China

Agapetes hongheensis  Y.H. Tong & C.Y. Zou, 

in Zou, Wang, Huang et Tong. 2025. Agapetes 
Agapetes hongheensis, a new species of Ericaceae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. This new species resembles A. mannii and A. hosseana, but differs from the former by its linear or narrowly oblong and bullate leaf blade with a strongly recurved leaf margin and obvious reticulate veinlets adaxially, and larger flowers with yellow green and glabrous corollas and longer stamens, and can be distinguished from the latter by having glabrous twigs, linear or narrowly oblong leaf blades, yellow green corollas and exerted style.

Key words: Morphology, pollen, taxonomy, Vaccinieae

Agapetes hongheensis
A habit B flowering branch C fruiting branches with young fruits D flowers of different development periods E longitudinal section of flower F androecium and lateral view of stamens G fruits of different development periods H transverse section of young fruit I longitudinal section of young fruit J adaxial view of fresh and dry leaves K abaxial view of fresh and dry leaves.
Photographed by Chun-Yu Zou based on the holotype. 
Scale bars: 5 cm (B, C); 2 cm (J, K); 1 cm (D, E, F, G, I); 5 mm (H).

 Agapetes hongheensis Y.H. Tong & C.Y. Zou, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Agapetes hongheensis is similar to A. mannii Hemsl. (Fig. 2) and A. hosseana Diels, but differs from the former by its linear or narrowly oblong and bullate leaf blade with a strongly recurved margin (Fig. 1B, C) and obvious reticulate veinlets adaxially (Fig. 1J, K), and larger flowers with yellow green and glabrous internal surface of the corollas, and can be distinguished from the latter by having glabrous twigs, linear or narrowly oblong leaf blades, yellow green corollas and exerted style.

Etymology: The species epithet denotes where it was found, viz. Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture.

Chun-Yu Zou, Bing-Mou Wang, Yu-Song Huang and Yi-Hua Tong. 2025. Agapetes hongheensis (Ericaceae), A New Species from Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys. 251: 167-174.  DOI: doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.251.137015