Monday, August 14, 2023

[Arachnida • 2023] Pancorius guiyang • A New Species of Jumping Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Guizhou Province, China

Pancorius guiyang Yang, Gu & Yu, 

in Yang, Zhou, Gu & Yu, 2023.
Pancorius Simon, 1902 is a relatively large genus of jumping spider family Salticidae and currently contains 42 valid species that are mainly distributed in South East Asia, 11 of which are recorded from China.

New information: 
A new spider species of the genus Pancorius from Guiyang City in southwest China, is described under the name of P. guiyang Yang, Gu & Yu, sp. nov. Detailed descriptions and photographs are provided. DNA barcodes (a partial fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene, COI) of the species were obtained to confirm matching of the sexes and for future use in molecular studies.

Keywords: new species, morphology, DNA barcoding, diagnosis, taxonomy

Pancorius guiyang sp. nov., live specimens. 
 A–C male holotype; D–F female paratype.
Photographs by Qianle Lu 

Pancorius guiyang Yang, Gu & Yu sp. nov.

Diagnosis: The male of this new species closely resembles that of P. crinitus Logunov & Jäger, 2015 from Vietnam and P. candidus Wang & Wang, 2020 from China. The three species share the similarly distinctly short RTA whose apex points dorsally (vs. RTA relatively longer and apex pointing anteriorly in all other congeners). However, P. guiyang sp. nov. can be differentiated from P. crinitus and P. candidus by the distinctly slender, needle-shaped embolus without subdistal projection (Fig. 3A) (vs. embolus thicker and claw-shaped in P. crinitus as in Logunov and Jäger (2015): fig. 40, with a subdistal projection in P. candidus as in Wang and Wang (2020): figs. 5–7). The female of P. guiyang sp. nov. also resembles that of P. crinitus in having similar shape of the vulva, but can be separated by the paired epigynal pockets distinctly concaved, narrowed (vs. very shallow and wide) (cf. Fig. 4A, C, E and Logunov and Jäger (2015): fig. 44) and by copulatory ducts descending slightly oblique (vs. running distinctly oblique, almost horizontal) (cf. Fig. 4B, D and Logunov and Jäger (2015): fig. 43).

Etymology: The species name is derived from the name of the type locality; noun in apposition.

Weicheng Yang, Yufeng Zhou, Dongxue Gu, Hao Yu. 2023. Pancorius guiyang sp. nov., A New Species of Jumping Spiders (Araneae, Salticidae) from Guizhou Province, China. Biodiversity Data Journal. 11: e108159. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e108159