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Millettia densiflora Mattapha, Lanors. & Lamxay, in Mattapha, Sungkaew, ... et Hein, 2022. |
New species, new records and lectotypifications in Millettia are presented. Millettia densiflora, a new species discovered from Laos, is described and illustrated. Additionally, we provide a detailed morphological description, illustrations, colour plates, distribution map, phenology, conservation status and a discussion of its closest affinity. We further present first reports for Thailand (Millettia
cana, M. puerarioides and M. velutina), and Laos (M. velutina). Lectotypes are designated for Millettia cana, M. multiflora, M. oraria and M. velutina. The full descriptions of Millettia cana and M. multiflora are provided for the first time based on fresh specimens.
Keywords: Fordia, Indo-Burma, Indo-China, new taxon, lectotypification
Millettia densiflora Mattapha, Lanors. & Lamxay, sp. nov.
This species resembles Millettia caerulea (Grah.) Baker in having leaflets with caudate or acuminate apices, inflorescences with an intermediateform between pseudoraceme and pseudopanicle, violet flowers with densely sericeous standards and monadelphous stamens, but it differs in being a woody climber (vs scandent shrub or small tree in M. caerulea), absence of stipels (vs present in M. caerulea), secondary axes of inflorescences up to 15 cm long (vs up to 30 cm long in M. caerulea) and the standard with basal callosities (vs without basal callosities in M. caerulea).
Etymology.— The specific epithet refers to the densely packed flowers on the brachyblasts of the inflorescence.
Vernacular.— Chak chan kheua in Laotian (ຈັກຈັ່ນເຄືອ).
Sawai Mattapha, Sarawood Sungkaew , Wittaya Pongamornkul, Soulivanh Lanorsavanh, Vichith Lamxay and Khant Zaw Hein. 2022. Notes on the Genus Millettia (Fabaceae: Millettieae) in the Indo-Burmese Region; A New Species, New Records and Lectotypifications. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany). 50(1); 75–87. DOI: 10.20531/tfb.2022.50.1.08