Impatiens gongchengensis Z.C. Lu, B. Pan & Yan Liu
in Lu, Pan, Huang & Liu, 2020.
Impatiens gongchengensis Z.C. Lu, B. Pan & Yan Liu is described and illustrated as a new species in northeastern Guangxi, China. This new species is similar to Impatiens platychlaena Hook.f., Impatiens soulieana Hook.f. and Impatiens faberi Hook.f., but differs in having stipitate glands at leaves base, 4–5 pairs of lateral veins, pale purple or purple-red flowers and the shape of the flower.
Keyword: Balsaminaceae, China, Impatiens faberi, Impatiens platychlaena, Impatiens soulieana, morphology, taxonomy
Fig. 1. Impatiens gongchengensis Z.C. Lu, B. Pan & Yan Liu
A. Flowering twig, B. Leaf base dorsal view with stipitate glands, C. Flower lateral view, D. Lateral sepals, E. Upper petal dorsal view, F. and H. Lateral united petals, G. Lip side view, I. Stamens and pistils, J. Capsule. |
Fig. 2. Impatiens gongchengensis Z.C. Lu, B. Pan & Yan Liu
A. Habitat, B. Habit, C. Flower face view, D. Flower side view, E. Flower dorsal view, F. Dissected floral parts, G. Lateral united petal, H. Seed, I. Capsule. |
Impatiens gongchengensis Z.C. Lu, B. Pan & Yan Liu,
sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Impatiens gongchengensis is similar to
Impatiens platychlaena Hook.f. (1908), Impatiens
soulieana Hook.f. (1908) and Impatiens faberi Hook.f.
(1910), but it is distinct from the three latter species in
its having stipitate glands at leaves base, 4–5 pairs of
lateral veins; pale purple or purple-red flowers, upper
petal oblate, abaxial midvein thickened, narrowly
carinate, beak-like, purple-red, 2-lobed lateral united
petals, with a filamentous long hair at apex of base lobes
and distal lobes.
Etymology: The specific epithet gongchengensis
refers to the type locality of this species.
Notes: Impatiens gongchengensis is easily
distinguished from the other species of Impatiens by having
stipitate glands at leaves base; 4–5 pairs of lateral veins;
pale purple or purple-red flowers; 2-lobed lateral united
petals, lobes with a filamentous long hair at apex; basal
lobes ovate, purple spotted; distal lobes dolabriform, purple
striate, apex obtuse.
More detailed morphological
dissimilarities between I. gongchengensis and its related
species are presented in Table 1.