The South African assassin-fly genus Trichoura Londt, 1994 is reviewed. A new species, Trichoura pardeos sp. n., is described from the arid Karoo in north-western South Africa. A new key to all seven recognized species is provided and the distribution and phenology are discussed. The world fauna of Willistonininae is reviewed, a new taxon Sisyrnodytini tribe n. (type genus Sisyrnodytes Loew, 1856) is established for Ablautus Loew, 1866, Acnephalomyia Londt, 2010, Ammodaimon Londt, 1985, Astiptomyia Londt, 2010, Sisyrnodytes, and Sporadothrix Hermann, 1908 and photographs for all Willistonininae genera are provided.
Keywords: Assassin flies, robber flies, Afrotropical, Nearctic, new tribe, new species

Etymology: Gr. Pardos m. – leopard + oros, -eos n. mountain. Named after the type locality of Tierberg Nature Reserve (Tierberg meaning tiger (= leopard) mountain).
Distribution, phenology and biology: Known only from the type locality. Collected in February (Table 1). Little is known of the biology. Tierberg Nature Reserve is a small conservation area comprised almost entirely of a large rocky hill on the outskirts of Keimoes, a small town located on the north banks of the Gariep (= Orange) River which provides water for agricultural activities in what is otherwise an arid area of the country. Vegetation is sparse and dominated by succulents such as aloes (Figs 13–14). The flies were found resting on hard-baked ground and stones.
Jason G.H. Lond and Torsten Dikow. 2016. A Review of the Genus Trichoura Londt, 1994 with the Description of A New Species from the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and A Key to World Willistonininae (Diptera, Asilidae). African Invertebrates. 57(2); 119-135. DOI: 10.3897/AfrInvertebr.57.10772
Assassins on the rise: A new species and a new tribe of endemic South African robber flies http://blog.pensoft.net/2016/12/06/assassins-on-the-rise-a-new-species-and-a-new-tribe-of-endemic-south-african-robber-flies/