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Janosikia ulmensis (Gerhardt, 1903).
DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12340
endemic Canary Island lizard clade Gallotia, which includes the largest
members of Europe's dominant reptile group, Lacertidae, is one of the
classic examples of insular gigantism. For the first time we use fossil
data to test the evolutionary reasons for the association between
gigantism and herbivory. We describe an almost completely preserved
skeleton of Janosikia ulmensis comb. nov. from the early Miocene of Ulm, Germany (MN 2a, ∼ 22 Mya). We show that this species and Oligocene Pseudeumeces cadurcensis (Filhol,
1877) are in fact crown lacertids, and the first known pre-Quaternary
record of the total clade of Gallotia. Pseudeumeces confirms the early
origin of crown Lacertidae in the Palaeogene of Europe. More
importantly, these fossil taxa show that large body size was already
achieved on the European mainland by the early Miocene. Furthermore, Pseudeumeces and Janosikia were
faunivorous, thus demonstrating that insularity, not large body size,
was crucial to the evolution of herbivory in this lineage. Body size
change in Gallotia was more complex than previously thought,
encompassing size increase [e.g. in the extinct Gallotia goliath
(Mertens, 1942)], but more commonly involving miniaturization. The
physical environment may play a crucial role in modulating the evolution
of body size in this natural laboratory.
Keywords: Canary Islands; Europe; island rule; lacertid phylogeny– Palaeogene; Squamata
Systematic Palaeontology
Squamata Oppel, 1811
Lacertidae Oppel, 1811
Gallotiinae Cano, Baez, López-Jurado & Ortega, 1984
Janosikia gen. nov.
Etymology: After Juraj Jánošík (20? January 1688–17 March 1713), famed leader of a Slovak band of highwaymen. They took from the rich and gave to the poor, but did not kill and even helped an injured priest. Jánošík was eventually captured and executed.
Type species: Janosikia ulmensis comb. nov. (Gerhardt, 1903).
Comment: Based on our phylogenetic analyses (see below), a new generic name is required for this species despite its similarity to Pseudeumeces cadurcensis. The attribution of the species to Pseudeumeces would render the latter paraphyletic.
Janosikia ulmensis (Gerhardt, 1903) comb. nov.
Locality and horizon: Type locality of Ophisaurus ulmensis Gerhardt, 1903, north-west of Ulm, Germany. The fossils derive from white or grey calcareous marls of the of the Lower Freshwater Molasse, dated to the middle Agenian (MN 2a), lower Miocene (Heizmann et al., 1989).
Andrej Čerňanský, Jozef Klembara and Krister T. Smith. 2016. Fossil Lizard from central Europe Resolves the Origin of Large Body Size and Herbivory in Giant Canary Island Lacertids. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 176(4); 861–877. DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12340
Extinct Giant Lizards of the Canary Islands: Gallotia goliath & G. auaritae