Wednesday, August 28, 2024

[Funga • 2024] Metarhizium puerense (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) • A New Species from Yunnan, south-western China

Metarhizium puerense Hong Yu bis, J. M. Ma & Z.Q. Wang, 

in Ma, Wang, Yang, Chen, Li et Yu, 2024. 
Background: As a genus within the Clavicipitaceae, Metarhizium exhibits rich morphological and ecological diversity, with a wide distribution and a variety of hosts. Currently, sixty-eight species of Metarhizium have been described.

New information: A new species of MetarhiziumM. puerense (Hong Yu bis), was described in Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, south-western China. Based on morphological characteristics and multilocus phylogenetic analyses, Metarhizium puerense was confirmed to be phylogenetically related to M. album, but was clearly separated and formed a distinct branch. In contrast, the host of Metarhizium album was plants and leafhoppers and that lepidopteran larvae were the host of M. puerense. The diagnostic features of M. puerense were solitary to multiple stromata and smooth-walled, cylindrical with rounded apices conidia.

Keywords: Metarhizium, morphology, phylogenetic analyses

Metarhizium puerense (YFCCMP 9458).
A. Stromata arising from hosts buried in soil. B. Fungus on the larvae of Lepidoptera. C. Apical part of stromata D-E. Culture characters on PDA (D = after 14 days, E = after 30 days). F-I. Conidiophores, phialides and conidia. J-K. Conidia.
 Scale bars: A-E = 1 cm. F-J = 10 µm. K = 5 µm.

Metarhizium puerense Hong Yu bis, J. M. Ma & Z.Q. Wang, sp. nov.

Jin Mei Ma, Zhi Qin Wang, Zhi Li Yang, Yue Chen, Song Yu Li and Hong Yu. 2024. Metarhizium puerense (Hypocreales, Clavicipitaceae): A New Species from Yunnan, south-western China. Biodiversity Data Journal. 12: e129087. DOI: