Friday, August 9, 2024

[Herpetology • 2024] Zhangixalus faritsalhadii • A New Species of Tree Frog (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Central Java, Indonesia


Zhangixalus faritsalhadii
 Gonggoli, Munir, Kaprawi, Kirschey & Hamidy, 2024

Farits Alhadi’s Tree Frog | Katak-pohon Farits Alhadi ||  
 Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 72

 A new species of tree frog of the genus Zhangixalus from Central Java, Indonesia, which was previously confused with Z. prominanus, is described based on molecular and morphological evidence. Zhangixalus faritsalhadii, new species, is distinguishable from its congeners by having a genetic distance of more than 3.1% of 16s rRNA gene and the combination of morphological characters. The discovery of this new species provides the latest information on the amphibian species in Java and encourages conservation efforts in protecting the habitats of amphibians on this island. 

Key words. new species, Zhangixalus faritsalhadii, 16S rRNA, morphology, Java, Indonesia


Family Rhacophoridae Hoffman, 1932 

Zhangixalus Li, Jiang, Ren & Jiang, 2019 in Jiang et al. (2019)

Zhangixalus faritsalhadii, new species
A, male holotype in life, MZB Amph 32885; B, female paratype, MZB Amph 32887;
C, MZB Amph 32889, female paratype in ventral view; D, MZB Amph 32886 and MZB Amph 32889 in amplexus.
Photographs by Misbahul Munir (A–C) and Fajar Kaprawi (D).

 Zhangixalus faritsalhadii, new species

Diagnosis. Based on the molecular analyses, the new species is nested within the clade of the genus Zhangixalus. Zhangixalus faritsalhadii, new species, can be differentiated from its congeners using the following combination of morphological characters: (1) relatively medium-sized body (SVL 37.6–40.7 mm in males; SVL 50.7–54.5 mm in females); (2) yellowish-green dorsum colouration with numerous dark spot and irregular blotches cream; (3) surfaces of dorsum smooth, covered with small and low spicules; (4) snout in lateral view slope with ...

Etymology. The specific epithet “faritsalhadii” is an eponym, dedicated to the deceased Farits Alhadi, a herpetologist in Indonesia who collected the first known specimen of this species that is now part of the type series and the first to discover that it could possibly be a new undescribed species on Java. Suggested English common name. Farits Alhadi’s tree frog. Suggested Indonesian common name. Katak-pohon Farits Alhadi. 

Ade Damara Gonggoli, Misbahul Munir, Fajar Kaprawi, Tom Kirschey & Amir Hamidy. 2024. A New Species of Tree Frog (Amphibia, Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Central Java, Indonesia.  Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 72; 219–234.