Monday, August 5, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Gastrodia daweishanensis (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Gastrodieae) • A New Species from Yunnan, China

Gastrodia daweishanensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu, 

in Qin, Huang, Wang et Liu, 2024. 
大围山天麻  ||

Gastrodia daweishanensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu (Orchidaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China is described. The new species is similar to G. putaoensis X. H. Jin, but differs from the latter by its yellow flowers, perianth tube ventrally distinctly swollen near the base forming a pouch-shaped outgrowth and inner surface of the front half densely pubescent. The detailed information of the new species, including morphological descriptions, illustrations, phenology, etymology and conservation assessment are provided.

Keyword: Gastrodia putaoensis, Gastrodieae, holomycotrophic orchids, morphology, yellow flower


Gastrodia daweishanensis. A. Habit. B. Inflorescence. C. Flower, front view. D. Flower, top view. E. Flower, ventral view. F. Flower, side view. G. Opened perianth tube. H. Flower with half of perianth tube removed. I. Anther cap and pollinaria. J. Columns, top view and ventral view. K. Ovary, column, lip, side view, noting red papillae on the tip of lip. L. Lips, top view. M. Rhizome. Photos by Ying Qin from living plants of the holotype population.

Gastrodia daweishanensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu, sp. nov.

The new species is similar to G. putaoensis X. H. Jin. Shared characters mainly include similar shape of lip, white disc of lip, ligulate apex of lip densely covered with yellow and red papillae, perianth tube with raised veins on outer surface, similar shape of column and caducous floral bracts. However, it differs from the latter mainly by its yellow (vs. greyish white) flowers, perianth tube ventrally distinctly (vs. indistinctly) swollen near the base forming a pouch-shaped outgrowth (vs. without pouchshaped outgrowth), inner surface of perianth tube densely pubescent (vs. glabrous) distally. A detailed comparison between G. daweishanensis and G. putaoensis is showed in Table 1. ...

Etymology: The epithet “daweishanensis” refers to Daweishan National Park, Pingbian County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, where the new species was found.

Ying Qin, Shuang-Quan Huang, Bing-Mou Wang and Yan Liu. 2024. Gastrodia daweishanensis (Orchidaceae), A New Species from Yunnan, China.  Taiwania. 69(3); 317-320. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.317