Tuesday, August 27, 2024

[Arachnida • 2024] Selenogyrus foordi • A New Species and the first record of the subfamily Selenogyrinae Smith, 1990 (Araneae: Theraphosidae) from Guinea

Selenogyrus foordi 
Sherwood, Henrard & Spiegel, 2024. 

A new spider species, Selenogyrus foordi sp. nov. (♂♀), is described from Mount Nimba, Guinea. Consequently, we provide the first in vivo photographs of a selenogyrine in the scientific literature and the first record of Selenogyrinae Smith, 1990 from Guinea. We also record S. aureus Pocock, 1897, described from Sierra Leone, from Massif du Ziama Biosphere Reserve, Guinea, representing the second known species for this country.  

Key words: distribution, morphology, spider, tarantula, taxonomy

Selenogyrus foordi sp. nov. holotype male (BE_RMCA_ARA.Ara.246088), habitus in situ at type locality   
A general view B same, on different background C frontal view, specimen in defensive posture.  

Selenogyrus foordi sp. nov. paratype female (BE_RMCA_ARA.Ara.222490)
A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C chelicera, prolateral view (inset: close-up of stridulatory lyra) D spermathecae, dorsal view E habitus in vivo. Scale bars: 10 mm (A–B); 0.5 mm (D); 0.1 mm (C).

Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869
Selenogyrinae Smith, 1990

Selenogyrus Pocock, 1897

 Selenogyrus foordi sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Males of Selenogyrus foordi sp. nov. can be distinguished from S. aureus by the thinner apical taper of the embolus (embolus wider at apex in S. aureus) and the presence of darkened femora and white markings on the distal third tibiae in vivo (femora with golden tinge and lacking white markings on the distal third of the tibiae in S. aureus). Females of S. foordi sp. nov. can be distinguished from S. africanus, S. austini, and S. caeruleus by the medially flared receptacles of the spermathecae (not medially flared in S. africanus, S. austini, and S. caeruleus).

Etymology: The specific epithet is an eponym honouring our colleague the late Stefan Foord (1971–2023), in recognition of his significant contributions to African arachnology, and in remembrance of his kind and collaborative spirit.

Danniella Sherwood, Arnaud Henrard and Didier Van Den Spiegel. 2024. Selenogyrus foordi, A New Species and the first record of the subfamily Selenogyrinae Smith, 1990 from Guinea (Araneae, Theraphosidae). African Invertebrates. 64(3): 291-302. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/afrinvertebr.64.113946