Sunday, March 31, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Magnolia corquinensis (Magnoliaceae: sect. Magnolia) • A New Species and A New Record of Magnolia quetzal for Honduras

Magnolia corquinensis  

in Morales-Molina, Vega-Rodriǵuez, Shalisko, Alemán-Avilez et Vázquez-García. 2024.
Magnolia corquinensisM. sect. Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) is described and illustrated. A distribution map is provided. The species is critically endangered and endemic to Copán and Lempira, Honduras. It differs from M. celaquensis in many morphological features. In addition, Magnolia quetzal is recorded for the first for the flora of Honduras.

Magnoliids, Magnolia sect. Magnolia, Montaña de Celaque National Park, Talauma, Corquín

Magnolia corquinensis

Sobeida Morales-Molina, Hermes Vega-Rodriǵuez, Viacheslav Shalisko, Maryury Alemán-Avilez and J. Antonio Vázquez-García. 2024. A New Species, Magnolia corquinensis, and A New Record of Magnolia quetzal (Magnoliaceae) for Honduras.  Phytotaxa. 642(2); 191-200. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.642.2.7

[Herpetology • 2024] Scincella ouboteri • A New Skink of the Genus Scincella Mittleman, 1950 (Squamata: Scincidae) from Hoa Binh Province, northern Vietnam

Scincella ouboteri
A. V. Pham, C. T. Pham, Le, Ngoc, Ziegler & Nguyen, 2024

Ouboter’s Smooth Skink | Thằn lằn cổ ouboter  ||  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5428.1.4
A new species of the genus Scincella Mittleman, 1950 is described from northern Vietnam based on morphological and molecular evidence. Scincella ouboteri sp. nov. is characterized by a combination of the following characters: Size medium (SVL up to 58.6 mm); primary temporals 2; external ear opening present, with 3 or 4 lobules on anterior margin; loreals 2; supralabials 7; infralabials 6 or 7; nuchals in 2–4 pairs; midbody scales in 30–32 rows; dorsal scales smooth, in 6 rows across the back; paravertebral scales 65–73, not widened; ventral scales in 65–71 rows; 10–12 smooth lamellae beneath finger IV and 18–20 beneath toe IV; toes overlapping fingers when limbs adpressed along body; dorsal surface of body and tail bronze-brown with a black vertebral stripe, in width of two dorsal scales, two bright dorsolateral stripes extending from behind the head to middle of tail, a dark stripe running from nostril to eye and extending from posterior margin of eye along upper part of flank and tail. In phylogenetic analyses, the new species and S. ochracea form an independent lineage sister to all other congeners included in the study.

Reptilia, Scincella ouboteri sp. nov., COI, molecular phylogeny, morphology, taxonomy
 Holotype of Scincella ouboteri sp. nov. (IEBR 5042) in life
 Photos: T.Q. Nguyen.

Scincella ouboteri sp. nov. 

Etymology. We name the new species in honor of Dr. Paul E. Ouboter, Institute for Neotropical Wildlife and Environmental Studies ( Suriname), who provided the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of the genus Scincella of Asia. As common names, we suggest Ouboter’s Smooth Skink (English) and Thằn lằn cổ ouboter (Vietnamese).

Anh Van Pham, Cuong The Pham, Minh Duc Le, Hai Ngo Ngoc, Thomas Ziegler and Truong Quang Nguyen. 2024. A New Skink of the Genus Scincella Mittleman, 1950 (Squamata: Scincidae) from Hoa Binh Province, northern Vietnam.  Zootaxa. 5428(1); 91-106. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5428.1.4

[Botany • 2023] Ainea conzattii (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) revisited: Description of A New Variety

A. Flower, front view of Ainea conzattii var. conzattii; B. C. Flower, front view of A. conzattii var. macropetala; D. Flower dorsal view of A. conzattii var. macropetala.
Photo credits: A. Guadalupe Munguía; B., C., D. Carlos Martorell.

A new variety of Ainea conzattii is described and illustrated, a key to recognize the two varieties of the species and a distribution map of both taxa are included.
Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca, Tepelmeme Villa  de Morelos, Monocots

 Ainea conzattii var. macropetala Martorell, Espejo & López-Ferr., var. nov. 

Nova varietas ab originali varietate differt in illis quae tepalis internis (petalis) similibus in forma et magnitudine tepalis externis (sepalis) vs. tepalis internis multo minora quam externis.

Carlos Martorell, Ana Rosa López-Ferrari, Adolfo Espejo-Serna, Diego García-Meza and Rupert Clayton. 2023. Ainea conzattii (Iridaceae: Tigridieae) revisited: Description of A New Variety.  Phytotaxa. 600(1); 1-6. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.600.1.1

[Arachnida • 2024] Scorpiops (Euscorpiops) krachan • A New Species of the Genus Scorpiops Peters, 1861 (Scorpiones: Scorpiopidae) from Thailand

Scorpiops (Euscorpiopskrachan 

Nawanetiwong, Košulič, Warrit, Lourenço & Ythier, 2024

A new speciesScorpiops (Euscorpiopskrachan sp. nov., belonging to the family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905 is described based on three adult males and one adult female collected in the Kaeng Krachan National Park, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand. The new species presents most features exhibited by scorpions of the subgenus Euscorpiops and can be characterized notably by a very small size, a sexual dimorphism strongly marked with male pedipalps elongated, a distinct trichobothrial pattern and other morphological features. This new taxon may represent one endemic element for the scorpion fauna of Thailand. Aspects of the ecology and distribution of the new species are discussed and compared with that of other relative Scorpiops species.

Key words: Description, Kaeng Krachan National Park, morphology, scorpion, Southeast Asia, wet forest

Scorpiops (Euscorpiopskrachan sp. nov.
 A, B male holotype, habitus, dorsal A and ventral B aspects C, D female paratype, habitus, dorsal C and ventral D aspects. Scale bar 1 cm.

Family Scorpiopidae Kraepelin, 1905

Genus Scorpiops Peters, 1861
Subgenus Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980

 Scorpiops (Euscorpiops) krachan Nawanetiwong, Košulič, Warrit, Lourenço & Ythier, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: The new species exhibits the general characteristics of the subgenus Euscorpiops (Vachon 1980; Soleglad and Sissom 2001). Total length of male and female 21.7–26.9 and 25.9 mm, respectively, defining the new species as very small in comparison to most other species of the subgenus. General coloration brownish yellow; female darker than male; chelicerae yellow without any variegated spots. Pectines with 6–7 and 5–5 teeth in male and female, respectively; two marginal and two middle lamellae present; fulcra present. Sexual dimorphism strongly marked, with male pedipalps markedly elongated; chela length/width ratio ...

Etymology: The specific name refers to the National Park of Kaeng Krachan where the new species was collected.

Scorpiops (Euscorpiopskrachan sp. nov., alive with pre-juveniles (instar I).

Wasin Nawanetiwong, Ondřej Košulič, Natapot Warrit, Wilson R. Lourenço and Eric Ythier. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Scorpiops Peters, 1861, Subgenus Euscorpiops Vachon, 1980 from Thailand (Scorpiones, Scorpiopidae). ZooKeys. 1193: 161-170. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1193.113398

[Entomology • 2024] Copelatus espinhasso, C. florae & C. panguana • Underestimated Diversity and Range Size of Diving Beetles in Tank Bromeliads—Coleoptera of ‘hygrofloric’ lifestyle (Dytiscidae)

Copelatus espinhasso sp. nov. (Brazil), 
Copelatus florae sp. nov. (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Panama) and 
Copelatus panguana sp. nov. (Peru)

Hájek, Alarie, Benetti, Hamada, Springer, Hendrich, Villastrigo, Torres, Basantes & Balke, 2024

Tank bromeliads provide a vast amount of stagnant water high up in the Neotropical forest canopy. However, the aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in this specialized habitat remains poorly explored. Here, we study obligatorily bromeliadicolous species of the diving beetle genus Copelatus Erichson, 1832. We review the known species Copelatus bromeliarum Scott, 1912 (Trinidad and Venezuela) and Copelatus bimaculatus Resende & Vanin, 1991 (Brazil). We describe three new species: Copelatus espinhasso sp. nov. (Brazil), Copelatus florae sp. nov. (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Panama) including its larva, and Copelatus panguana sp. nov. (Peru). Based on their male genital morphology, these species form a distinct clade within the genus. Other shared characters such as compact drop-shaped habitus, shortened appendages, and reduction of natatory setae on legs are interpreted as adaptations for what we call the ‘hygrofloric’ lifestyle. We document the thin water layer between leaf axils as the preferred habitat of both Copelatus adults and larvae, and not necessarily the central tank.

Neotropical forest canopy, tank bromeliads, specialized Coleoptera, diving beetles, new species

Habitat of Copelatus florae in Alto de Piedra, Panama.
A, general view of the pasture with solitary trees. B, large cf. Werauhia bromeliad. C, collecting of beetles from leaf axils. D, specimen of C. florae crawling on the leaf.

Jiří Hájek, Yves Alarie, Cesar J. Benetti, Neusa Hamada, Monika Springer, Lars Hendrich, Adrián Villastrigo, Rodulfo Ospina Torres, Michael S. Basantes and Michael Balke. 2024. Underestimated Diversity and Range Size of Diving Beetles in Tank Bromeliads—Coleoptera of ‘hygrofloric’ lifestyle (Dytiscidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 200(3); 720–735. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad093

[Crustacea • 2023] Amathillopis lowry • Amathillopsidae (Amphipoda) from New Zealand, including the Description of A New Species


Amathillopis lowry
Amathillopis lowry, a new species of the family Amathillopsidae is described from the south west Pacific. In situ images show this amphipod species new to science clinging to a stalked sponge in 4600-metre depth. This increases the number of New Zealand amathillopsid amphipods to three.

Anne-Nina Lörz and Rachael A. Peart. 2023. Amathillopsidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from New Zealand, including the Description of A New Species. Records of the Australian Museum.  
  75(4); 459-470. DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.75.2023.1885

[Arachnida • 2024] Dolomedes hydatostella, D. rotundus, etc. • Discovering unknown Madagascar Biodiversity: Integrative Taxonomy of Raft Spiders (Araneae: Pisauridae: Dolomedes)

(C and D) Dark morph Dolomedes gregoric sp. nov.: (C) A female (KPARA00250) in hunting pose on water; (D) a male (KPARA00248) placed on a white background. 
(E–F): D. bedjanic sp. nov.: (E) A female (KPARA00129) on a rock in a stream; (F) a male (KPARA00234) on shallow water under vegetation.

(A and B) Dark morph Dolomedes kalanoro Silva & Griswold, 2013: (A) A female (KPARA00184) on a rock in a river; (B) a male (KPARA00185) at a river bank. 
(G and H) White banded morph D. kalanoro: (G) A male (KAPAR00227) hiding in a dead tree above a river during day time; (H) a female carrying an egg sac hiding in a tree trunk near a river during day time. 
(I) White banded morph D. gregoric sp. nov. (Holotype male, USNMENT01580825) on a tree trunk near a river. 

(J and K) Dolomedes hydatostella sp. nov.: (J) A female (KPARA00163) in a shallow understory swamp; (K) a male (KPARA00258) placed on a white background.
 (L and M) D. rotundus sp. nov.: (L) A female (KPARA00243), and (M) a male (KPARA00236) in a shallow part of a stream.

Yu​ & Kuntner. 2024.   
Madagascar is a global biodiversity hotspot, but its biodiversity continues to be underestimated and understudied. Of raft spiders, genus Dolomedes Latreille, 1804, literature only reports two species on Madagascar. Our single expedition to humid forests of eastern and northern Madagascar, however, yielded a series of Dolomedes exemplars representing both sexes of five morphospecies. To avoid only using morphological diagnostics, we devised and tested an integrative taxonomic model for Dolomedes based on the unified species concept. The model first determines morphospecies within a morphometrics framework, then tests their validity via species delimitation using COI. It then incorporates habitat preferences, geological barriers, and dispersal related traits to form hypotheses about gene flow limitations. Our results reveal four new Dolomedes species that we describe from both sexes as Dolomedes gregoric sp. nov., D. bedjanic sp. nov., D. hydatostella sp. nov., and D. rotundus sp. nov. The range of D. kalanoro Silva & Griswold, 2013, now also known from both sexes, is expanded to eastern Madagascar. By increasing the known raft spider diversity from one valid species to five, our results merely scratch the surface of the true Dolomedes species diversity on Madagascar. Our integrative taxonomic model provides the framework for future revisions of raft spiders anywhere.

Dolomedes species collected from humid forests in the east and the north of Madagascar, showing the habitus coloration and variation.
 (A and B) Dark morph D. kalanoro Silva & Griswold, 2013: (A) A female (KPARA00184) on a rock in a river; (B) a male (KPARA00185) at a river bank. (C and D) Dark morph D. gregoric sp. nov.: (C) A female (KPARA00250) in hunting pose on water; (D) a male (KPARA00248) placed on a white background. (E–F): D. bedjanic sp. nov.: (E) A female (KPARA00129) on a rock in a stream; (F) a male (KPARA00234) on shallow water under vegetation. (G and H) White banded morph D. kalanoro: (G) A male (KAPAR00227) hiding in a dead tree above a river during day time; (H) a female carrying an egg sac hiding in a tree trunk near a river during day time. (I) White banded morph D. gregoric sp. nov. (Holotype male, USNMENT01580825) on a tree trunk near a river. (J and K) D. hydatostella sp. nov.: (J) A female (KPARA00163) in a shallow understory swamp; (K) a male (KPARA00258) placed on a white background. (L and M) D. rotundus sp. nov.: (L) A female (KPARA00243), and (M) a male (KPARA00236) in a shallow part of a stream.


Kuang-Ping Yu​ and Matjaž Kuntner. 2024. Discovering unknown Madagascar Biodiversity: Integrative Taxonomy of Raft Spiders (Pisauridae: DolomedesPeerJ. 12:e16781. DOI:  10.7717/peerj.16781

[Entomology • 2024] Taeniogonalos deepaki • Additions to the trigonalyid (Hymenoptera: Trigonalyidae) Fauna of India with the Description of A New Species from south India

 Taeniogonalos deepaki
Femi, Ranjith & Priyadarsanan, 2024

A new species of Taeniogonalos is described and illustrated from Western Ghats, Kerala, India. The male of Taeniogonalos eurysoma Chen & van Achterberg, 2020 is described for the first time along with its first distribution record from India. The new species and T. eurysoma are illustrated along with a distribution map of Indian Taeniogonalos.

Hymenoptera, India, male description, new distributional record, taxonomy, Western Ghats


 Taeniogonalos deepaki


Ezhuthupallickal Benny Femi, Avunjikkattu Parambil Ranjith, Dharma Rajan Priyadarsanan. 2024. Additions to the trigonalyid (Hymenoptera: Trigonalyidae) Fauna of India with the Description of A New Species from south India. Zootaxa. 5419(2); 265-274. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5419.2.5 

[Botany • 2024] Cyrtandromoea sudhansui (Phrymaceae) • A New Species from Northeast India


Cyrtandromoea sudhansui 
in Chowlu, Shenoy et Nuraliev, 2024.
Cyrtandromoea sudhansui, a new species of Phrymaceae, is described and illustrated. The species was discovered in the Eastern Himalayas in 2023 during a botanical survey in Arunachal Pradesh, India. Cyrtandromoea sudhansui is unique within the genus in having blue corolla; it also differs from the other species of Cyrtandromoea in the following combination of morphological traits: winged stem, calyx ca. 1.5 cm long and hairy along ridges, hairy stamens, hairy ovary and style. The new species is assessed as Data Deficient according to the IUCN Red List criteria. The new discovery represents the second species of the genus known in the flora of India, and a new generic record for the state of Arunachal Pradesh and for the mainland India in general.

Eudicots, Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalayas, IUCN

Cyrtandromoea sudhansui

Krishna Chowlu, Akshath Shenoy and Maxim S. Nuraliev. 2024. Cyrtandromoea sudhansui (Phrymaceae), A New Species from Northeast India.  Phytotaxa. 642(1); 104-110. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.642.1.9

[Herpetology • 2024] Rhinella kumanday • A New Species of Terrestrial Toad of the Rhinella festae group (Anura: Bufonidae) from the highlands of the Central Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia

 Rhinella kumanday
Caicedo-Martínez, Henao-Osorio, Arias-Monsalve, Rojas-Morales, Ossa-López, Rivera-Páez & Ramírez-Chaves, 2024

The genus Rhinella (Bufonidae) comprises 92 species of Neotropical toads. In Colombia, Rhinella is represented by 22 recognized species, of which nine belong to the Rhinella festae group. Over the past decade, there has been increasing evidence of cryptic diversity within this group, particularly in the context of Andean forms. Specimens of Rhinella collected in high Andean forests on both slopes of the Central Cordillera in Colombia belong to an undescribed species, Rhinella kumanday sp. nov. Genetic analyses using the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene indicated that the individuals belong to the festae species group. However, they can be distinguished from other closely related species such as Rhinella paraguas and Rhinella tenrec by a combination of morphological traits including the presence of tarsal fold, a moderate body size, and substantial genetic divergence in the 16S rRNA gene (> 5%). Through this integrative approach, the specimens from the Central Cordillera of Colombia are considered an evolutionary divergent lineage that is sister to R. paraguas, and described as a new species. Rhinella kumanday sp. nov. is restricted to the Central Cordillera of Colombia inhabiting both slopes in the departments of Caldas and Tolima, in an elevational range between 2420 and 3758 m. With the recognition of this new species, the genus Rhinella now comprises 93 species with 23 of them found in Colombia, and ten species endemic to the country.

Key words: Andes, Central Cordillera, distribution, diversity, endemism, systematics

Family Bufonidae Gray, 1825

Genus Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826

Female (MHN-UCa-Am 1698; paratype) of Rhinella kumanday sp. nov. in life (SVL 35.01 mm).

 Rhinella kumanday sp. nov.

Diagnosis: A moderate-sized species of the Rhinella festae group sensu Pereyra et al. (2021), and which can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: males SVL 36.4–37.8 mm (x– = 37.1; n = 2); females SVL 32.5–40.1 mm (x– = 37.1; n = 5). (1) seven presacral vertebrae; (2) sacral vertebrae no fused with the coccyx, but fused with the urostyle; (3) sagittal ridge present; (4) snout long, protuberant and directed anteroventrally; (5) canthal crest present but weak; (6) preorbital crest present; (7) supraorbital present; (8) postorbital crest weak; (9) pretympanic crests weak; (10) supratympanic crest distinct; (11) parietal crest present; (12) dorsal surface with scattered tubercles, small and round with some conical ones; (13) parotoid glands well developed and ovoid; (14) lateral row of tubercle variable from scattered conical tubercle from ...

Etymology: The name “kumanday” means “white beautiful”, a word given by the indigenous Quimbaya to the snow-covered volcano that towers over the Central Cordillera in the coffee growing region of Colombia.

 Luis Santiago Caicedo-Martínez, Jose J. Henao-Osorio, Héctor Fabio Arias-Monsalve, Julián Andrés Rojas-Morales, Paula A. Ossa-López, Fredy A. Rivera-Páez and Héctor E. Ramírez-Chaves. 2024. A New Species of Terrestrial Toad of the Rhinella festae group (Anura, Bufonidae) from the highlands of the Central Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia. ZooKeys. 1196: 149-175. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1196.114861

Saturday, March 30, 2024

[Mollusca • 2023] Kodama jujutsu & Idiosepius kijimuna • Two New Pygmy Squids (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan

Kodama jujutsu 
 Reid, Sato, Jolly & Strugnell, 2023

Two new pygmy squid from the Ryukyu archipelago, Japan, are described: Kodama jujutsu, n. gen., n. sp. and Idiosepius kijimuna, n. sp. They differ from all other nominal species in a combination of traits, including the number of tentacular club suckers, shape of the funnel-mantle locking-cartilage, modification of the male hectocotylus and the structure of the gladius and nuchal-locking cartilage, in addition to mitochondrial DNA markers (12S, 16S and COI). They are both known from Okinawa Island and there is some overlap in their distributions. In a molecular phylogeny that includes all nominal Idiosepiidae, Kodama jujutsu, n. gen., n. sp. is sister taxon to a clade containing Xipholeptos Reid & Strugnell, 2018 and Idiosepius Steenstrup, 1881. Xipholeptos and Idiosepius are sister taxa. Idiosepius spp. now includes seven nominal species. In addition, aspects of the behaviour of the new species are described.

Keywords: Pygmy squid, KodamaIdiosepiusIdiosepius kijimunaKodama jujutsu, Ryukyu archipelago

Live Idiosepius kijimuna n. sp.
 attached to vegetation using dorsal adhesive pad.
Photo by Brandon Hannan 

Idiosepius kijimuna n. sp.

Etymology: The species name is used for creatures in Okinawan mythology. The Kijimunā are said to be elfin creatures that make their home in the banyan trees that grow over the Ryukyu Archipelago. Their diet consists entirely of seafood and they are excellent fishers. They avoid octopuses at all costs. The name is used as a noun in apposition.

Kodama n. gen.

Etymology: The generic name Kodama refers to a tree spirit in Japanese folklore. It has a reputation of being rounded in shape. The presence of Kodama is a sign of a healthy forest. We have chosen this name to suggest its extension to representing a healthy reef.

 Kodama jujutsu, n. sp.

Etymology: The specific name jujutsu is derived from the Japanese word jūjutsu that is a martial art of the same name, translating to ‘gentle art’. The goal of the sport is to control your opponents by grappling them. This pygmy squid has been seeing grappling shrimp in a similar fashion. The name is used as a noun in apposition.

Kodama jujutsu n. gen., n. sp.
 a–h, live animals photographed in the wild. i laboratory reared hatchling, dorsal view. j ventral view same specimen. The large white testis toward the posterior end of the mantle is clearly visible in images c, e and h. Prominent skin tags posterior to the eyes can be seen in c, e, g and h, and the nipple-like posterior tip of the mantle apparent in some postures is shown in a, c, and h. Curling and recurving the arms appears to be a common posture.
Photos: a, c, d–h, © Shawn Miller; b © Brandon Hannan; i, j © Jeff Jolly

Kodama jujutsu n. gen., n. sp. a stuck to a hydroid that is being consumed by the nudibranch Bornella anguilla. b side view and c antero-lateral foreshortened view, capturing ovigerous caridean shrimp.
Photos: © Brandon Hannan

Amanda Reid, Noriyosi Sato, Jeffrey Jolly & Jan Strugnell. 2023. Two New Pygmy Squids, Idiosepius kijimuna n. sp. and Kodama jujutsu n. gen., n. sp. (Cephalopoda: Idiosepiidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  Marine Biology. 170: 167. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-023-04305-1

[Crustacea • 2024] Trichopagurus spinibrachium • A New Species of the Genus Trichopagurus de Saint Laurent, 1968 (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from A semi-submerged marine cave in Okinawa Island, southwestern Japan

Trichopagurus spinibrachium
Nakajima, Fujita & Osawa, 2024

A new hermit crab species of Paguridae, Trichopagurus spinibrachium n. sp., is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected from the anchialine environment of a semi-submerged marine cave in Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan. It is morphologically similar to T. macrochela Komai & Osawa, 2005 and T. tenuidactylus Komai, 2013, but differs in the shape and armature of the ocular, antennular and antennal peduncles, chelipeds, and ambulatory legs. The new species may be distinguished from all known congeners by the stronger armature of the carpi and meri of both chelipeds. Trichopagurus spinibrachium n. sp. is the third species of the genus recorded from submarine caves, although it may also occur on nearby coral reefs as does T. macrochela and T. trichophthalmus (Forest, 1954).

Key words: Crustacea, Paguroidea, cryptic fauna, dark environment, taxonomy, western Pacific

Trichopagurus spinibrachium n. sp.

Hiroki Nakajima, Yoshihisa Fujita and Masayuki Osawa. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Trichopagurus de Saint Laurent, 1968 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from A semi-submerged marine cave in Okinawa Island, southwestern Japan.  Zootaxa. 5419(1); 121-129. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5419.1.5


[Herpetology • 2024] Rhinella bella • Cryptic Diversity in Toads of the Rhinella marina species group (Anura: Bufonidae) with a subjectively beautiful new species from Western Ecuador


Rhinella bella  
 Menéndez-Guerrero, Lima dos Santos, Salazar-Nicholls, Green & Ron, 2024

sapo bello  ||  DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad197

The mainly Mesoamerican cane toad, Rhinella horribilis, is the northernmost species in the Rhinella marina species group of giant or cane toads, occupying an extensive range west of the Andean Cordillera from Ecuador north to southern Texas. However, a thorough assessment of geographic variation among R. horribilis populations, and of the phylogenetic relationships of the R. marina species complex, indicates previously unsuspected diversity within this species as currently recognized. Specifically, we evaluated whether toad populations from western Ecuador represent an evolutionary lineage distinct from the rest of R. horribilis based on extensive specimen collections and the combined evidence of mtDNA sequence variation, morphological, bioacoustics, and environmental information. Our results revealed that populations west of the Ecuadorian Andes constitute a well-supported, monophyletic clade that is distinctly different genetically, morphologically, acoustically, and ecologically from a sister taxon composed of R. horribilis populations from Central America and from populations ascribable to R. marina s.s. from the Amazon Basin of Ecuador and other countries. The weight of evidence confirms a new species (R. bella  sp. nov.), described here, adding to our understanding of biogeographic relationships in this widespread clade of Neotropical toads. The new species name means ‘beautiful’ in Latin, in contrast to its sister species, ‘horribilis’. In addition, we designate a lectotype for Bufo marinus var. fluminensis to avoid ambiguity in the applicability of that name.

amphibians, bioacoustics, divergence, geometric morphometrics, morphology, phylogeny, Rhinella marina, species delineation, systematics



Rhinella bella sp. nov.

Pablo A Menéndez-Guerrero, Sueny P Lima dos Santos, María-José Salazar-Nicholls, David M Green and Santiago R Ron. 2024. Cryptic Diversity in Toads of the Rhinella marina species group (Anura, Bufonidae) with a subjectively beautiful new species from Western Ecuador. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. zlad197. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad197