Thursday, August 22, 2024

[Herpetology • 2024] Theloderma woltersi • A New Species of Bug-eyed Tree Frog, Genus Theloderma (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Vietnam

 Theloderma woltersi 
 Ninh, T. T. Nguyen, H. H. Nguyen, Orlov, Le & Ziegler, 2024 


We describe a new species of Theloderma from Phia Oac–Phia Den National Park, Cao Bang Province, Vietnam based on morphological differences and molecular divergence. Theloderma woltersi, new species, is distinguishable from its congeners based on a combination of the following characteristics: Size small, SVL 25.1– 26.2 mm in males, 30.3 mm in females; head longer than wide (HL/HW 1.15–1.18 in males and 1.09 in female); vomerine teeth absent; spines on upper eyelid absent; tibiotarsal projection absent; dorsal skin almost smooth; dermal fringes on forearm and tarsus absent; dorsal surface red-brown with some black blotches in irregular shape; and throat brown or dark brown, ventral surface of arms and thighs brown with white reticulation. 

Key words. Cao Bang Province, cryptic species, Theloderma woltersi, new species, molecular phylogeny, taxonomy

 Theloderma woltersi, new species, male holotype (IEBR.A.5246) in life.

Family Rhacophoridae Hoffman, 1932 
Genus Theloderma Tschudi, 1838 

Theloderma woltersi, new species

Diagnosis. Morphologically, the new species from Cao Bang Province can be assigned to the genus Theloderma by a combination of the following characteristics: Small in size (SVL 25.1–26.2 mm in males, 30.3 mm in female), distinct tympanum, round canthus rostralis, bony ridges from canthus rostralis to occiput lacking, and skin of head not co-ossified to the skull, tip of finger dilated into disc (see Liem, 1970; McLeod & Ahmad, 2007; Rowley et al., 2011; Hou et al., 2017). However, because morphological synapomorphies are lacking for the genus Theloderma, and thus its monophyly is not certain (Bain et al., 2009; Li et al., 2009; Rowley et al., 2011) we additionally used molecular evidence to provide independent support for the species’ distinctiveness and its phylogenetic placement within Theloderma.

Dorsal and ventral views of Theloderma woltersi, new species, T. hekouense, and T. rhododiscus (Du et al., 2022). Black bars scale to 1 cm

Etymology. We dedicate the species name to the late Jürgen Wolters, founding member of Stiftung Artenschutz, which supports current conservation-based mossy frog research in Vietnam. Furthermore, Stiftung Artenschutz has been dedicated to supporting amphibian research through its specialised amphibian program for over 15 years.

 Hoa Thi Ninh, Tao Thien Nguyen, Hoang Huy Nguyen, Nikolai Orlov, Manh Van Le and Thomas Ziegler. 2024. A New Species of Bug-eyed Tree Frog, Genus Theloderma (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Vietnam. RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY. 72; 252–267.