Monday, February 10, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Revision of the Chinese endemic Genus Megadrypta Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Dryptini), with Description of A New Species


Megadrypta maozhoui   
Chen, Shi & Liang, 2025
The species of the genus Megadrypta Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020 are reviewed. A new species M. maozhoui sp. nov. is described from Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, China (type locality: Tiantaishan, Qionglai City, Sichuan). New provincial records of M. mirabilis Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020 are reported as well. A key of the genus Megadrypta is provided.

Key words: China, Dryptinae, ground beetles, new records, new species, taxonomy

Genus Megadrypta Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020
Megadrypta Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020: 525.

Type species: Megadrypta mirabilis Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020
Habitus of Megadrypta spp.
 A holotype of Megadrypta maozhoui sp. nov. 
B female of M. mirabilis from Hunan. Scale bar: 5.0 mm.

Collecton site and habitus of Megadrypta maozhoui sp. nov.
A Collection site on Mount Tiantaishan, Sichuan (B and C photographed in area of the red circle, D photographed in area of yellow circle) B–D habitus (photographed by Mao-Zhou Xu)
E habitus, from Mount Zhougongshan (photographed by Yong Wang).

 Megadrypta maozhoui sp. nov.
  Chinese vernacular name: 茂洲巨逮步甲

Diagnosis: Dorsal surface dark with distinct bluish metallic luster, mouth parts, antennae and all parts of legs reddish brown. Mentum with anterior margin concave and shallowly emarginate at middle. Pronotum with lateral margins gradually sinuate twice, behind anterior angles and before posterior angles. Elytra with 7–8 parascutellar pores, significantly narrowed base and discontinuous striae, interrupted by coarse foveae (of similar size as interval width) (Fig. 3C). Apical lamella of median lobe of aedeagus short (ALL/ALW 0.55–0.61), obtuse and rounded (Fig. 5B, C); median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view stout, gradually attenuate to apex, ventral margin very faintly curved before apical lamella (Fig. 5A, D); endophallus with a distinct central sclerite (Fig. 5C, D).

Etymology: This species is named after Mr Mao-Zhou Xu, who collected and donated most of the type specimens.

Jia-Heng Chen, Hong-Liang Shi and Hong-Bin Liang. 2025. Revision of the Chinese endemic Genus Megadrypta Sciaky & Anichtchenko, 2020 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Dryptini), with Description of A New Species. ZooKeys. 1226: 183-193. DOI: