Thursday, February 27, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Kaempferia chonburiensis (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species from Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence


Kaempferia chonburiensis Picheans., Sukrong & Wongsuwan,

in Wongsuwan, Phokham, Rattanakrajang, Picheansoonthon et Sukrong, 2025. 
เปราะเมืองชล  ||  DOI:

Kaempferia is a genus belonging to the ginger family. Currently, this genus is comprised of about 63 species, mainly distributed from India to Southeast Asia. During our fieldwork, a new species of Kaempferia was found in Chon Buri Province, Thailand. The objective of this article was to provide morphological evidence and confirm its relationships in Kaempferia through molecular phylogenetic analysis.

Methods: Plant samples were collected from field sites and investigated by conventional taxonomy and molecular techniques. The phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using the maximum likelihood criterion and Bayesian inference. The morphological evolution was also examined to elaborate the relationships among representative Kaempferia taxa.

Results: Kaempferia chonburiensis from southeastern Thailand is described and illustrated based on morphological features and its taxonomic placement was confirmed by molecular phylogenetic analyses and morphological evolution. An identification key is provided for the new Kaempferia species occurring in Thailand.

Conclusion: Kaempferia chonburiensis is a new enumerated species of Kaempferia from Thailand.

Drawing of Kaempferia chonburiensis.
 (A) Whole plant. (B) Ligule. (C, D) Bracts. (E, F) Bracteoles. (G) Flower with calyx tube and ovary. (H) Flower (top view). (I) Dorsal corolla lobe. (J, K) Lateral corolla lobes. (L) Labellum. (M, N) Lateral staminodes. (O) Corolla tube with anther and anther crest. (P, Q, R) Anther and anther crest (front, side, and rear views). (S) Ovary, stylodial glands, and lower part of the style. (T) Immature fruit with persistent calyx. (U) Mature fruit with persistent calyx and bracteoles. (V) Seeds.
 Illustration based on the holotype (PW 240621–1) (drawn by Pantamith Rattanakrajang).

Kaempferia chonburiensis
(A) Whole plant. (B) Bract. (C) Bracteoles. (D) Flower with calyx tube and ovary. (E) Calyx tube. (F) Flower (top view). (G) Dorsal corolla lobe. (H) Lateral corolla lobes. (I) Lateral staminodes. (J) Labellum. (K) Corolla tube with ovary and anther. (L) Anthers and anther crests (front, side and rear views). (M) Ovary, stylodial glands, and lower part of the style. (N) Fruit and persistent calyx. (O) Seeds.
 Photographs based on the holotype (PW 240621–1) (photos by Pornpimon Wongsuwan).

Kaempferia chonburiensis in situ.
 (A) Natural habit in flowering stage. (B, C, D) Variation of flowers (labellum patch with or without violet). Photographs based on the holotype (A, B: PW 240621–1) and paratypes (C: PW 120721–1 and D: PW 100622–1)
(photos by Pornpimon Wongsuwan).

Kaempferia chonburiensis Picheans., Sukrong & Wongsuwan, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: This new species is similar to Kaempferia koratensis, but differs in the following characters: (1) longer ligule (0.6–1 cm vs. ca. 3 mm), (2) longer peduncle (0.8–1.2 cm long vs. ca. 5 mm long), (3) glabrous bract, (4) white with yellow spot at the base, with or without violet patch on labellum, (5) pubescent at the uppermost part of ovary.

Etymology: The specific epithet ‘chonburiensis’ refers to the province of the type locality.

Vernacular name: Pro (เปราะ), Wan Pro (ว่านเปราะ), Pro Mueang Chon (เปราะเมืองชล).

Pornpimon Wongsuwan, Boonmee Phokham, Pantamith Rattanakrajang, Chayan Picheansoonthon and Suchada Sukrong. 2025. Kaempferia chonburiensis (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from Thailand based on morphological and molecular evidence. PeerJ. 13:e18948. DOI: