Sunday, February 9, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Allium taiseba (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Scorodon from Van Province, Turkey

A new species, Allium taiseba (A. sect. Scorodon), is described from Hoşap (Xoşap)/Van province, Turkey. It is morphologically similar to A. bingoelense, but it differs in several morphological features including inner tunic's colour of bulb, spathe length, tepal colours and size, stamen colour and length, ovary shape, style colour and length, capsule and seeds size. A comprehensive description of the new species is provided, including detailed photographs, geographical distribution map, habitat and ecology, vernacular names and IUCN conservation status.

 Allium taiseba sp. nov.
(A) Habitat and general view of the type locality, (B) habit.

 Allium taiseba sp. nov.  (photographed by M. Fırat): (A) inflorescence, (B) perigon.
 Allium bingoelense (photographed by Ş. Yıldırımlı): (C) inflorescence, (D) perigon.
Allium sivasicum (photographed by M. Koyuncu): (E) inflorescence, (F) perigon.
Allium wendelboanum (photographed by O. Eren): (E) inflorescence, (F) perigon.

Allium taiseba Fırat sp. nov.

Eponymy: The name of this species is attributed to ‘Taişeba’, known as the god of lightning and thunderstorms in mythological Kurdish history. Today, Tuşba, the old Kurdish name for the city of Van, is also named after this god. He is one of the three great gods known in Hurri and Urartu states. In Kurdish,‘Tav’ means light and ‘Şev’ means night (Tav û Şev), that is, the god who turns the night into light. 

Mehmet Fırat. 2024. Allium taiseba, A New Species of Allium sect. Scorodon (Amaryllidaceae) from Van Province (Turkey). Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI: