Friday, October 18, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Typhonium fornicatum • A New Species from Bueng Kan Province, Northeastern Thailand [Studies on Typhonium (Araceae) of Thailand II]

Typhonium fornicatum P.Saensouk, K.Z.Hein & Saensouk,  

in P. Saensouk, S. Saensouk, Hein, Boonma, Sengthong, Rakarcha et Warseno, 2024.

Typhonium fornicatum from Bueng Kan Province (Northeastern Thailand) is described and illustrated as a species new to science. Detailed description, color plates, discussion of similar taxa, phenology, distribution, and conservation status assessment are provided.

Keyword: Aroideae, Areae, Indochina, plant taxonomy, Typhonium circinnatum, Typhonium khonkaenense

Typhonium fornicatum sp. nov.
A. Excavated flowering and fruiting plant, B. Hastate leaf (left showing adaxial surface; right showing abaxial surface), C. Narrowly ovate leaf (left showing adaxial surface; right showing abaxial surface), D. Front view of inflorescence, E. Side view of inflorescence, F. Spadix at pistillate anthesis, nearside spathe artificially removed, G. Spathe (left showing front view; right showing back view), H. Detail of spadix showing pistillate zone, sterile interstice and staminate zone (nearside spathe artificially removed) & I. Berries.
Scale bars: A.=3 cm, B., C., D., E. & F.=2 cm, G.=1 cm, H. & I.=5mm. 
Photos by: Khant Zaw Hein.

 Detail of spadices showing pistillate zone, sterile interstice and staminate zone (nearside spathe artificially removed).
A. Typhonium fornicatum sp. nov., B. T. khonkaenense & C. T. circinnatum.
Photos by: Khant Zaw Hein (A & B) and Wilbert Hetterscheid (C).

Typhonium fornicatum P.Saensouk, K.Z.Hein & Saensouk, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: This new species differs from all other Typhonium species by having the fewest staminodes (only three) covering the lower portion of the sterile interstice. Typhonium fornicatum is most similar to T. khonkaenense A. Galloway & Charoenwong (Galloway, 2015) (Fig. 2B), but can be readily distinguished by its fornicate spathe limb (vs. recurved spathe limb), much shorter spadix (ca. 7 cm vs. ca. 15 cm), fewer staminodes on the lower portion of the sterile interstice (3 vs. 8–10), and a spreading-declinate appendix (vs. erect appendix).

Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from the Latin "fornicatus" (arched), referring to the shape of the spathe limb.

Typhonium fornicatum sp. nov. Plants in habitat.
Photo by: Khant Zaw Hein.

Piyaporn Saensouk, Surapon Saensouk, Khant Zaw Hein, Thawatphong Boonma, Anousone Sengthong, Sarayut Rakarcha and Tri Warseno. 2024. Studies on Typhonium (Araceae) of Thailand II: Typhonium fornicatum, A New Species from Bueng Kan Province, Northeastern Thailand. Taiwania. 69(4); 487-490. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.487