Saturday, October 5, 2024

[Ichthyology • 2024] Microphysogobio punctatus • Redescription of Microphysogobio tungtingensis (Nichols, 1926) with the Description of A New Species of the Genus (Cypriniformes: Gobionidae) from southern China

Microphysogobio punctatus 
Sun, Tang & Zhao, 2024 

Although Microphysogobio tungtingensis (Nichols, 1926) has been treated valid since it was described, its morphology remains vague, especially when comparing it with another similar species, M. elongatus (Yao & Yang, 1977). In this study, the types of both species were examined and also compared with several lots of specimens from a wide geographical range: there is no significant difference in morphology between them. Additionally, molecular evidence supported by mitochondrial gene sequence also showed low genetic distance in between. Thus, it is suggested that M. elongatus is a junior synonym of M. tungtingensis. While revising these two species, a new species, Microphysogobio punctatus sp. nov., was discovered that has a similar distribution with them both. However, it can be distinguished from its congeners by having a globular or oval shaped posterior air-bladder chamber which length 58.6%–82.8% of eye diameter; a narrow upper jaw cutting edge which less than half mouth width; a slender caudal peduncle with depth 34.6%–48.5% of length; and a six-branched-ray anal fin. This new species also has numerous small black spots on all fins which is also unique. The new species is morphologically and molecularly close to M. bicolor (Nichols, 1930).

Key words: East Asia, freshwater fish, Gobionidae, morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy

Microphysogobio punctatus sp. nov. 
A Freshly caught from its type locality, uncatalogued
B live individual from Luzhai County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Autonomous Region in Luoqingjiang River, collected and photographed by Dr. Fan Li
C original drawing by Zhi-Xian Sun based on individual collected from Yongfu County, Guilin City, Guangxi Autonomous Region in Xihe River.

 Microphysogobio punctatus sp. nov.

Diagnosis: This new species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characteristics: Posterior chamber of air-bladder small, globular or oval shaped, length 15.8%–26.4% of head length, and 58.6%–82.8% of eye diameter; upper jaw cutting-edge narrow, width less than half mouth width; caudal peduncle slender, depth 34.6%–48.5% of length; lateral-line scales 37–40 (mode 38, mean 39); circumpeduncular scales 12; branched anal-fin rays 6; midventral region of body scaleless only before pectoral-fin base end; all fins with numerous small black spots.

Etymology: The new species name punctatus is derived from the Latin punctum, meaning spot. The name refers to the numerous black spots on its scales and fin rays. Suggested Chinese name for this species is “斑点小鳔鮈”.

 Zhi-Xian Sun, Wen-Qiao Tang, Ya-Hui Zhao. 2024. Redescription of Microphysogobio tungtingensis (Nichols, 1926) with the Description of A New Species of the Genus (Cypriniformes, Gobionidae) from southern China. ZooKeys. 1214: 161-186. DOI: