Thursday, October 3, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Chiloschista breviseta (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) • A New Species from Northern Thailand


Chiloschista breviseta Chanokkhun, Watthana & Schuit.,

in Chanokkhun, Muangsan, Suwanwaree, Malaiphis, Schuiteman et Watthana, 2024.
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A new species, Chiloschista breviseta (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Aeridinae) from Northern Thailand is described and illustrated, and notes on ecology and conservation status are provided. Chiloschista breviseta is morphologically similar to C. usneoides but differs in having much shorter seta on each side of the anther cap. Previous records of C. usneoides from Thailand refer to C. breviseta.

Keyword: Aeridinae, Chiloschista, Chiloschista usneoides, Chiloschista viridiflava, Flora of Thailand, new taxon

Chiloschista breviseta.
A. Habit. B. Flowers. front and side views. C. Dorsal sepal, petal and lateral sepal (from left to right). D. Labellum, front view and longitudinal half cut showing inside. E. Operculum. F. Pollinarium.
(Drawn by T. Chanokkhun).

Chiloschista breviseta.
 A. Inflorescence. B. Flowers. C. Dorsal sepal, petal and lateral sepal (from left to right). D. labellum, showing front, side and back views. E. Labellum with longitudinal half cut showing inside. F. Operculums. G. Pollinarium
 (Pictured by T. Chanokkhun).

Chiloschista breviseta Chanokkhun, Watthana & Schuit., sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Chiloschista breviseta is similar to C. usneoides in the largely white flower and the shorts accate lip with a rudimentary mid-lobe, but differs in having a short seta (<0.3 mm long) on each side of the anther cap (vs. a long, thread-like seta, >1.7 mm long) and in the Y-shaped callus apex (vs. T-shaped). It can be distinguished from C. viridiflava Seidenf. in having a glabrous abaxial surface of sepals and petal (vs. pubescent), margin of petals entire (vs. erose), and white sepals and petals, sometimes with a purplish pink median line abaxially (vs. pure pale green), and in having short setae (vs. setae > 1.9 mm long).

Etymology: From the Latin brevis, short, and seta, a bristle-like hair, referring to the short appendages on the anther cap, unlike the long wiry appendages seen in species like C. usneoides

Thotsaporn Chanokkhun, Nooduan Muangsan, Pongthep Suwanwaree, Rungtip Malaiphis, André Schuiteman and Santi Watthana. 2024. Chiloschista breviseta (Orchidaceae), A New Species from Thailand. Taiwania. 69(4);  449 - 453. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.449