Tuesday, July 16, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Polygala qii (Polygalaceae) • A New Species from Limestone Landform in Southern Hunan, China

Polygala qii   X.L.Yu, J.J.Zhou & A.Liu, 

in Liu, Zhou, Li, Yu et Wu, 2024. 
石山远志  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.121759
Polygala qii, a new species, is described and illustrated from limestone landform in southern Hunan, China. The new species resembles P. fallax and P. arillata in flower structure of the plants, but readily differs from the latter two in having erect and shorter inflorescences (0.2–1cm VS 10–15cm VS 7–10cm), and fewer flowers (1–5 flowers VS 10–30 flowers VS 10–20 flowers), and the latter two have a later flowering period (late March to mid-April VS May to August VS May to October). And it is an extremely unique new species that will hibernate in the hot summer of July and August. Following the IUCN Red List Criteria, P. qii is assessed as ‘Data Deficient (DD)’.

Key words: Hunan province, limestone landform, new species, Polygala, taxonomy

Polygala qii sp. nov. 
A branches with flowers B top view of flower C side view of flower D anatomical structure of flower, sepals, petals and pistil E longitudinal section of flower F infructescence G capsule H seed.
Drawn by Jing Tian.

Polygala qii sp. nov. 
A habit B plant C plant D branch with flowers E inflorescence F front view of flowers G infructescence H capsules and Seeds.
Photographed by Ang Liu.

 Polygala qii X.L.Yu, J.J.Zhou & A.Liu, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: This new species is similar to P. fallax Hemsl. and P. arillata Buch.-Ham. & D. Don, but it differs from the latter two in having erect and shorter inflorescences (0.2–1cm VS 10–15cm VS 7–10cm) and fewer flowers (1–5 flowers VS 10–30 flowers VS 10–20 flowers). Its caruncle is foam, and the latter two are helmeted in shape. Please refer to Fig. 3 and Table 1.

Etymology: The new species is named after Professor Cheng-jing QI (CSUFT&CSFI), who has made great contributions to the study of Hunan flora (Qi & Yu, 2002).

Vernacular name: The Chinese name of the new species is ‘石山远志’,and the pronunciation of the Chinese Pinyin is ‘shí shān yuǎn zhì’.

Ang Liu, Jian-jun Zhou, Xiong Li, Xun-lin Yu, Lei Wu. 2024. Polygala qii, A New Species of Polygalaceae from Limestone Landform in Southern Hunan, China. PhytoKeys. 244: 77-87. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.244.121759