Thursday, July 18, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Phlogacanthus sudhansusekharii (Acanthaceae) • A New Species from India

Phlogacanthus sudhansusekharii 

in Goswami et Maity, 2024.

Phlogacanthus sudhansusekharii, a new species is described here from the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India. This newly described species is closely allied to Phlogacanthus guttatus (Wall.) Nees, but can be differentiated by its strikingly different yellowish-cream colored corolla with yellow patches and brown maculation, ratio of calyx lobes and tube length being ~1:1 and deltoid staminodes (vs. greenish-cream to white corolla with red-maroon maculation, ratio of calyx lobes and tube length ~2:1 and subulate-ensiform staminodes in the latter).

Keywords: Andrographideae, Arunachal Pradesh, Phlogacanthus sudhansusekharii

Phlogacanthus sudhansusekharii

Samrat Goswami and Rohan Maity. 2024. A New Species of Phlogacanthus (Acanthaceae) from India. Indian Journal of Forestry. 46(4); 200-204. DOI: