Tuesday, July 25, 2023

[Botany • 2023] Chionanthus monteazulensis (Oleaceae) • A New Species from the campo rupestre of Espinhaço Range, Brazil

Chionanthus monteazulensis Zavatin & Lombardi, 

in Zavatin, Almeida, Ramos et Lombardi, 2023. 
The new species Chionanthus monteazulensis, from Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is here described and illustrated. It differs from somewhat similar C. fluminensis by the inflorescence size, two stamens (vs. four), the smaller and orbicular or wide-elliptic blades, and the smaller petals and fruits.

Keywords: endemism, Lamiales, Minas Gerais, Neotropics, Taxonomy, Eudicots

Chionanthus monteazulensis Zavatin & Lombardi

Danilo Alvarenga Zavatin, Roberto Baptista Pereira Almeida, Renato Ramos, Julio Antonio Lombardi. 2023. Chionanthus monteazulensis (Oleaceae), A New Species from the campo rupestre of Espinhaço Range, Brazil.  Phytotaxa. 603(3); 289-296. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.603.3.8