Sunday, February 13, 2022

[Botany • 2015] Hoya hanhiae (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideaea) • A New Species from central Vietnam

 Hoya hanhiae V. T. Pham et Aver., 
in Pham, Le et Averyanov. 
  DOI: 10.1111/njb.00541 

A new speciesHoya hanhiae V. T. Pham et Aver. discovered in central Vietnam is described, illustrated and compared with the related species H. macrophylla Bl. and H. verticillata (Vahl) G. Don.

 Hoya hanhiae sp. nov.
(a) flowering plant, (b) leaf, (c) flower, view from above, (d) flower, view from below, (e) flower, view from side, (f) corona, views from above, (g) corona, views from below, (h) ovaries, (i) pollinarium, (j) follicles, (k) seed.
Drawn from T. A. Le PVT 588 and T. H. Nguyen PVT 589 
by T. H. Nguyen and V. T. Pham.

 Hoya hanhiae sp. nov.
 (a) flowering plant in natural habitat, (b) leaves, (c) inflorecscences with flowers of various coloration, (d) inflorescence, view from below, (e) flowers, frontal and half-side views, (f) flowers and their parts, (g) fruits, (h) seeds.
Photographs by T. A. Le and T. H. Nguyen. 
Design and image correction by L. Averyanov.

Hoya hanhiae V. T. Pham et Aver. sp. nov. 

Etymology: The species is named after the plant discoverer Mrs Nguyen Thuy Hanh.

Distribution: Lowland coastal areas of Quang Tri (Hai Lang distr.) and Khanh Hoa (vicinities of Nha Trang city) provinces in central Vietnam.

Ecology and phenology: Hoya hanhiae was observed as an epiphytic creeping vine on large old trees in secondary tropical evergreen seasonal broad-leaved lowland swamp forest on sandy soil at elevation 10–50 m a.s.l., near sea shore. The dominating trees and shrubs in habitats of H. hanhiae were Uvaria cordata, Cereus repandus, Tetracera sarmentosa, Barringtonia acutangula, Sterculia lanceolata, Salacia wrightii, Syzygium bullockii, Memecylon umbellatum, Carallia brachiata, Gluta wrayi, Acronychia pedunculata, Fagraea fragrans, Garcinia sp. and Lithocarpus sp. Flowering was sporadically observed from June to August. Flowers open late afternoon and close in the morning the following day, caducous in 3–4 days. Fruits were seen in August.

Van The Pham, Tuan Anh Le and Leonid V. Averyanov. 2015. Hoya hanhiae sp. nov. (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from central Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany. 33(1); 64-67.  DOI: 10.1111/njb.00541