Kuepferia kanchii
D. Maity, Sentu K. Dey & Adr. Favre
DOI: 10.1111/njb.01050
Kuepferia kanchii D. Maity, Sentu K. Dey & Adr. Favre, a new species from Sikkim Himalaya, is described and illustrated. It differs from its close relative K. infelix (C.B.Clarke) Adr. Favre [=Gentiana infelix C.B.Clarke] by having sessile and smaller flowers, as well as smaller floral components. Kuepferia kanchii is further characterized by a white corolla with bluish green patches on the outside at the base of each corolla lobe, and a corolla tube flushed with light green inside towards the base, blue filaments, sessile stigma, smaller capsule, and trigonous–elongated, c. 0.8 mm long and curved seeds.
Debabrata Maity, Sentu Kumar Dey and Adrien Favre. 2016. Kuepferia kanchii sp. nov. (Gentianaceae) from Sikkim Himalaya. Nordic Journal of Botany. 34(4); 416–420. DOI: 10.1111/njb.01050